Droopy Seedling


Active Member
Ok so you know the first set of leaves, not the tear drop ones but the real ones? They are grown out but starting to droop down. They look green and healthy just droopy. So im assuming its a case of over watering correct? And if i just let the soil get dry and stay dry for a little while they should perk back up? :-(


Active Member
yepper, you're right on the money. droopy leaves mean over/under watering. If you haven't let em dry out then it aint from under watering so it must be from over watering. Be careful bro,a good way to tell when they need watering is by the weight of the pot. lift it when its wet and then when it's dry, HUGE weight difference. Another good way, the way I use in conjunction with the weight is I poke my finger down in the soil about 2" if it feels moist then they dont need water if it feels dry then I pick it up to feel the weight of the pot. I use both methods together, I like it cuz then I aint gotta lift the damn 5gal pots everytime.


Well-Known Member
Let the soil dry, growth will but stunted be she'll recover to full health in a couple days. It's very important that you keep her warm no less than 75°F and try to get the RH to 40% if you can. Good luck