Droopy yellowing please help pics


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I just took these shots, after i had just watered with some PH down and superthrive, but before this they were extremely droopy, and im hoping you can see the yellowing from these pics. Sorry pics arent very good, its a cell phone and the only camera I have right now. Please tell me what looks to be wrong if you can tell from these shots. New growth is affected, and the new leaves are twisting and curling and looking spindly. Im using sunshine mix #4 and feeding with the complete fox farms line. So far though I have only fed them 1/4 strength a couple times every other watering. Temps are good, and im not overwatering because they get droopier the more days i wait to water. Please help!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!! Roll it up pisses me the double-fuck off sometimes!!! I accidentally erased everything I just wrote!! Ugghhhhhhhh.........

Anyways, these are definite pH and underfeeding issues. I can tell that sulfur/potassium have been locked out, and I'm sure that's causing most of the rest of your problems. Normally I feel that pH "drifting" is a bunch of malarkey! But since you have a wide spectrum of lock out, letting your pH slowly drift down to 5.8 rather than adjusting it over a day or two, would be advised. Get it immediately to at least 6.3, and slowly drop it from there until flower, where you will bump it back up to in and around 5.9-6.1

If you already dropped your pH to a proper 5.9, 5.8 just chill, don't worry about drifting it or whatever, it won't be a big deal. It's not worth stressing over your garden if it'll be fine anyways.

The feeding schedule with fox farms is assuming you are using a fox farms "soil" blend. Feeding every other feed would be a good idea with a high fertilizer soil. You are nutrientless in the mix 4, it has a little tiny bit of earthworm castings to help prevent pythium while starting clones (hell yeah you can clone in a giant flat of sunshine mix!) So I would feed with fertilizer every time. Go ahead and start increasing your nutrients to 3/8 at least. It's been a long time since I mixed up Fox Farms nutrients, so I can't recall what it comes out to at half strength, but I'm fairly certain it is ridiculous. You can always pick out a "bitch plant" to test stuff like this on.

Holy shit though, still blows my mind people try and give out advice on something they know nothing about! "Adjust your pH to 6.6!".... haha, what a jack ass.


Active Member
hehe thanks for the advice. If im watering with a ph of 5.9, how long do you think b4 my mix is down to 5.9 from around 7? just til i get the ph meter? Ive just followed your advice with the feeding and will every watering unless i see burn.