Drug Combo Names


Well-Known Member
Nagative on salvia


Well-Known Member
haha if your not afraid you did to much you didn't do enough hahahaha that how i work with mushrooms ... i've never heard of taking salvia tht way I think I want to try it, neuronaughts I like that term


Well-Known Member
isn't salvia normally made into a tea or something, is ther any way i can do something cooler with my salvia 30x standardized other than smoke it like what happens if i suck on it? just get a bad taste in my mouth or will i get somthing like terrence there?


Well-Known Member
Its pretty nice to eat a bit before you go to sleep, interesting mathematical dreams.

I hope this opens the eyes of some of those I have been a bit abusive towards over they way hey use salvia.
Maybe you can see that there is another path offering the eyes of the shepardess. And not the crazy overdoses people take.


Well-Known Member
so your saying i can eat my standardized extract and it will still work... or should i just get some leaves, do they need to be fresh or dried is good? teach me friend i've been doing it all wrong


Well-Known Member
Those are just 2 names for the same thing.
I had some last night with my DMT.

COMMON NAMES: Ayahuasca Vine, Bejuco de Oro, Biaxa, Boa Vine, Caapi, Dapa, Doctor, Kaapi, Kahi, Maridi, Mihi, Natema, Nepe, Pinde, Totenliane, Vine of the Dead, Vine of the Soul, Yage, Yahe, Yaje, Yaxe.

PS don't eat the extract, keep it under your tongue

purple stanky

New Member
Those are just 2 names for the same thing.
I had some last night with my DMT.

COMMON NAMES: Ayahuasca Vine, Bejuco de Oro, Biaxa, Boa Vine, Caapi, Dapa, Doctor, Kaapi, Kahi, Maridi, Mihi, Natema, Nepe, Pinde, Totenliane, Vine of the Dead, Vine of the Soul, Yage, Yahe, Yaje, Yaxe.

PS don't eat the extract, keep it under your tongue

anc man will you check your pms lol
i must learn your ways my friend


Well-Known Member
ok so just to clarify one more time before I do this you were talking about my extract right the salvia i just throw a pinch under my tounge for how long or will i know when its time to spit it out hahaha


Well-Known Member
keep it for about 10 or 15 minutes. Just do a small bit the first time, oral salvia comes on like a steamtrain, but it takes quite a while.


Well-Known Member
haha a steamtrain how long do effects last how much like smoking it is it? is it less intense or just as intense


Well-Known Member
it lasts longer when you take it orally.. it also depends on wether or not you spit it out.. i will take a gram of concentrate and pack it into my lower lip and under my tongue. spit it out after the effects start (about 15 to 30 minutes). the trip is much more controlled. wonderful connection to nature and the energies it expresses.

i've still never tried dmt... its bumming me out. it seems like my only hope will be learning how to make it.


Well-Known Member
keep it for about 10 or 15 minutes. Just do a small bit the first time, oral salvia comes on like a steamtrain, but it takes quite a while.
thanks for the help man i have to spread more rep around before i can rep you

it lasts longer when you take it orally.. it also depends on wether or not you spit it out.. i will take a gram of concentrate and pack it into my lower lip and under my tongue. spit it out after the effects start (about 15 to 30 minutes). the trip is much more controlled. wonderful connection to nature and the energies it expresses.

i've still never tried dmt... its bumming me out. it seems like my only hope will be learning how to make it.
Right on bro thank for the help + rep
yeah dmt is a rare comodity but it doesn't seem hard to make really, and theres lot of guys on here willing to help you out man


Well-Known Member
1 g line of yay, 1/8th of shrooms n a blunt = the soul train. Ur bodies still there but ur souls takin a ride somewhere...