Drug Dealers


Well-Known Member
sex=drug jealousy=drug ignorance=drug knowledge=drug arrogance=drug knitting=drug. many different people get off on many different things, all you gotta do is pick the dealer.

Aslan King

Active Member
Calling me a drug dealer is like calling a guy that gives a cigarette to a bum and charging .25 cents a 7-11


Well-Known Member
if you sell weed do you consider yourself a drug dealer and if not what do you classify a drug dealer as?
I say You aren't a real d-boy if you do it a little here and there. For Real d-boys it's priority and life bra. It's all about money. I sell weed and things i won't mention. If u just sell a couple dubs you are nowhere near a dealer just a small businessman. Fo anyone to call theirself a d-boy you got to be pushin it not just $100 here and there. here in zone 1 you are considered a d-boy when you pushin onions to da small people on a daily basis. When people call you to buy sum wholesale you a d-boy.


Active Member
starbucks girls are drug dealers. yes.

today i went to starbucks for the very reason of I wanted some speed. and a flavored double shot later. i was speeding. for a matter of a fact, still might be. thats some good shit.


Well-Known Member
Damn yall serious. Well I like the reefer dealer, cause he was my conection back in the day when I was young. I would hit that dude @ 7:00 am and roll my nickel bag.
I could get 3 pencil size joints, but thier would be 6 of us and we would wake and bake..Never did finish high school:neutral: But where the fuck would you be without your pot dealer man??? Just think about the people that don't grow??? Where do they get there sweet dank buds??? I have to vote "yea "for drug dealers as long as they are responsiple drug dealers.:mrgreen: