Drug Interdiction Officers

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New Member
I'm not dogging anyone except when I see bullshit, and I only called you an idiot granted you believed the stuff you were actually talking about... if you don't believe it then no harm done. I call people idiots all day, especially the drivers I see around here, freakin' idiots... It has nothing to do with age. Etiquette when you obviously lie and try and play our intelligence? Don't think so... respect is not given it is earned, kiddo.
not sure whats more aggravating...

the fact that you problably think you are right all the time with whoever you talk to


the fact that you may one day reproduce........

still not sure what gets me more.


New Member
obviously lie and try and play our intelligence? Don't think so... respect is not given it is earned, kiddo.

how am i lying.. i worked for the 5/0 for years.... i was high one night... i saw a dvd and thought.. damn! riu should know this..... plus ill add some of the shit ive personally seen...... whats there to lie about socata?



stays relevant.
It's true though, a disclaimer is not going to protect you from anyone, or anything in any way... It's a waste of sig space.


New Member
It's true though, a disclaimer is not going to protect you from anyone, or anything in any way... It's a waste of sig space.

No doubt that your statement is true. I have it on there because of MY personal job, and such disclaimers are used everywhere around here. Its more of a "this is why i can post on here" disclaimer. in no way would something like this hold up in court. lol! the judge would laugh at me right before he pounded his fuck off stick on the wood. If it came down to it and the police already had me, then a disclaimer means nothing. but like i said, its for my job and nothing else.


Well-Known Member
child.. im not the one dogging ppl here trying to find anything to call them out on. you need some positivity in your life. go give someone a hug. my disclaimer is strictly for work purposes, not a get out of jail free card. you should chill with the name calling kiddo. idiot?!?! come on im sure you know better than to call someone that. this shows your real age and lack of ettiquet on RIU. tisk on you kiddo. if i were your mama i'd slap you across the face and make you apologize to the nice lady. :oops:

toodles :finger:

Gotta love a short skirt and a sassy demeanour!


Well-Known Member
These threads make me laugh. Thanks for the read.

For all those who are calling BS, Have you been pulled over? Searched? If so what did you do, or what was the outcome? People can give advise, and what I read from her advise, most of it seems like common sense really. Its just precautionary advise. If they want to get you they will. Do you really want to go to the hassle of getting busted, getting a lair err lawyer just to prove your point? My guess is once you are pulled you probably are already shitting yourself in fear.

Story Time. Once upon a time a young lad was at a ski resort with friends. Said young lad went to the car for a afternoon toke. Well toking, he saw in front of him (next row of cars over) a police SUV k-9 unit with its window rolled down rolling slowly through the parking lot. The location of ski resort is in a well known area for growers, smokers and some great stuff east of the Mississippi. This young lad putting 2 and 2 together, calmly put away what he had. Exsited the car, sprayed some smelly stuff and walked right past SUV with a smile and a cup full of JD and coke. :) (side note: he was done sking for the day- never drink and ski!)

The end.


Well-Known Member
Thankfully I have never been searched, pulled over many times tho. Been pulled over with an ounce in my girls pocket and a bong in a paper bag of clothes, and really baked. Cop just told me my tail light was out and was just letting me know. I still would listen to as much advice as I could.
The patriot act is a horrible thing. It ruins the very thing about america, I'm proud to be an American, until the day it becomes a dictatorship. The day the patriot act was passed was the day americans lost thier freedom.
If anything doesn't make sense I'm baking, no excuse, just letting you know, I should have noticed the mistake.

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
when i worked at a kennel as a dog washer we had a police K-9 (a huge german shepard) come in and board for a week. my supervisor was the only one who could handle the K-9 because he was trained in the whistle commands. there were 6 that he used... but no telling how many there really are... the list is the commands and then some behavoirs
1. sit- it would sit motionless staring straight ahead all day long in the run
2. walk
3. shit
4. piss
5. eat... this is why i'm questioning the put the weed in a food bag... the k-9 we took care of only ate one bowl of food a day... most dogs would be going apeshit for some food when a bol was placed in its cage but as i mentioned before when this k-9 sat it SAT and only ate when whistled too, so if it was searching for pot he wouldnt be going for the burger king bag because it had whopper in it... when it was a pup the trainers probably beat the shit outta it when the poor thing chose food over weed.
6. sleep- before we left he would be ordered (whistled) to lay down and sleep.

while the k-9 was there i nervously put weed right up in front of it,the dog was caged of course but it was huge and it was a flimsy door on the run.... we all smoked up there and reaked of weed and the dog never responded


Well-Known Member
Netpirate right, Zen wrong again, Zen is just mad because of the man hating netpirate has been doing lately and now he is trying to catch her on anything he can. Dogs don't smell well with there head up, thats why you should hide your stash up high and keychains and whatnot are probable cause.
No it is not, fool.

Having one of these

Slapped to the back of your car does not give the officer the right to search your vehicle.

What cops will do is try to threaten you with it, they will say something like "I have probable cause, because off the weed sticker, so will you let me search you car now?" And most stupid people do.

It would make your life a hell, because you would in fact be pulled over for some bullshit reason, but they cannot pull you over just for that. What they want is to get close so they can get a real reason to issue probable cause like smell.

Actually, yes, it does. They're using it on a lot of people for a wide variety of reasons.
No its not, Seamaiden, unless they are tapping into your phones, email, financial records, it has nothing to do with the Patriot Act.

Don't assume that they can use this term to do just whatever you want, know your shit and don't be bullied.


Well-Known Member
when i worked at a kennel as a dog washer we had a police K-9 (a huge german shepard) come in and board for a week. my supervisor was the only one who could handle the K-9 because he was trained in the whistle commands. there were 6 that he used... but no telling how many there really are... the list is the commands and then some behavoirs
1. sit- it would sit motionless staring straight ahead all day long in the run
2. walk
3. shit
4. piss
5. eat... this is why i'm questioning the put the weed in a food bag... the k-9 we took care of only ate one bowl of food a day... most dogs would be going apeshit for some food when a bol was placed in its cage but as i mentioned before when this k-9 sat it SAT and only ate when whistled too, so if it was searching for pot he wouldnt be going for the burger king bag because it had whopper in it... when it was a pup the trainers probably beat the shit outta it when the poor thing chose food over weed.
6. sleep- before we left he would be ordered (whistled) to lay down and sleep.

while the k-9 was there i nervously put weed right up in front of it,the dog was caged of course but it was huge and it was a flimsy door on the run.... we all smoked up there and reaked of weed and the dog never responded
I once almost took a job at a kennel once, that makes me wish I had. lol.


Well-Known Member
I think what needs to be known is that there are police who are trained and who's job it is to find drugs. So don't do stupid stuff to stand out if you have a load on board. Stupid things would include:
1. Driving a 1968 VW bus with a weed sticker on the back window
2. Smoking in the car
3. Speeding, driving like an idiot, break any traffic laws
4. Make sure the car is in good condition, all lights work, plates are current, ect
5. Driving stoned reeking of pot

Just be smart and you will not even get pulled over in the first place.


New Member
I think what needs to be known is that there are police who are trained and who's job it is to find drugs. So don't do stupid stuff to stand out if you have a load on board. Stupid things would include:
1. Driving a 1968 VW bus with a weed sticker on the back window
2. Smoking in the car
3. Speeding, driving like an idiot, break any traffic laws
4. Make sure the car is in good condition, all lights work, plates are current, ect
5. Driving stoned reeking of pot

Just be smart and you will not even get pulled over in the first place.


Well-Known Member
No it is not, fool.

Having one of these

Slapped to the back of your car does not give the officer the right to search your vehicle.

What cops will do is try to threaten you with it, they will say something like "I have probable cause, because off the weed sticker, so will you let me search you car now?" And most stupid people do.

It would make your life a hell, because you would in fact be pulled over for some bullshit reason, but they cannot pull you over just for that. What they want is to get close so they can get a real reason to issue probable cause like smell.

No its not, Seamaiden, unless they are tapping into your phones, email, financial records, it has nothing to do with the Patriot Act.

Don't assume that they can use this term to do just whatever you want, know your shit and don't be bullied.
Im sorry you feel so strong about that. I hop you dont get pulled over because you're doomed if you have any significant amount on you, and the if the cop wants to be a dick...

If a cop pulls you for whatever reason, and he wants to get into your car...He will get into your car..I know its fucked up, and unconstitutional whatever..the judge will decide all that..meanwhile you get locked up over some bullshit sticker or other blatant marijuana image on or around your car..

I know some cops..they do what they want whether its legal or not. They're the biggest gang in america


Well-Known Member
No its not, Seamaiden, unless they are tapping into your phones, email, financial records, it has nothing to do with the Patriot Act.

Don't assume that they can use this term to do just whatever you want, know your shit and don't be bullied.
Examples where the PA is being used in non-terror cases:

I have pages of this stuff, Zen. Whether or not it's right has nothing to do with with whether or not it's happening.


Well-Known Member
Reasonable suspicion - Ex.) homeboy's "above the ignorance" sticker...i likey by the way :mrgreen:
Probable cause - Ex.) Joint roach in plain sight for officer to see

Reasonable suspicion only arouses the pigs to dig deeper until YOU fuck up and give them probable cause to search

Probable cause...well, shit, you get the idea...you're basically fucked and they're gonna search



Well-Known Member
I said it has nothing to do with what I am talking about.

Tell me how an officer would use the Patriot Act in the scenario of you being pulled over and he wished to search your car.


New Member
I said it has nothing to do with what I am talking about.

Tell me how an officer would use the Patriot Act in the scenario of you being pulled over and he wished to search your car.
when a search is shady. for instance if you denied a search and told them they need a warrant and you have rights ........they can use the patriot act to do a technically legal pat down search for weapons, on which they can tear apart your car. its held up in court as some form of terrorist deterrent act.
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