drug test


Well-Known Member
im on house arrest and probation so i get drug tested randomly. i was wondering if anyone could tell me what kind of shit i can do for fun. like shrooms or acid? i passed my last drug test so ill post a pic of it.

it tests for crack/coke,amphetamines,meth amphetamines,THC, and opiates.

would i be able to take xanax?trip shrooms or do acid or anything like that without them coming up positive on the drug test? please tell me anything else i can do. just lookin for something to do for fun :mrgreen:

and please dont tell me that anything other than pot is bad, ive heard it all before.


Well-Known Member
yea drinking is always fun haha. i was looking online and i think LSD is under the opiate catagory. it said on wikipedia that opiates could be heroin,or anything like vicodin or xanax


Well-Known Member
SHrooms will never show up on your drug tests.
Go balls out. Have fun.
Vicodin will also show up without a doubt.. they are opiates.


Well-Known Member
are u sure shrooms or acid wont show up on it because on wikipedia it said lsd and hallucinogens could be considered opiates


Well-Known Member
ok thanks ganja. my friend told me his tested for acid shrooms coke crack and everything u can think of. was he completely bullshitting me?


Well-Known Member
Spice Gold my friend... had the chance to try some out this weekend. It's great, though illegal in the USA and a few other countries... you can find it online if you try. I have a friend who unfortunately is on probation also, lucky he's found a new replacement for the herb until he is off. Whatever you do, don't do coke, or pills... regardless of what these guys tell you. Getting fucked up on pills purely for recreational use makes ya look just about as stupid as someone smoking crack... and coke, I of course don't even need to go there. Sorry if I offended, I just can't stand pillheads.
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