• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Drug Testing Schools


Well-Known Member
hey i dont like twinkies i have a problem with kids smoking because they're a liability, they dont kno enough to keep their own damn mouths shut and they get people caught. theres nothing that a kid can keep to himself, especially if its as cool as just pickin up a dime bag of leaf from your friend down the road for 20 bucks


New Member
Kids are far more advanced these days and I believe they aren't credited enough with this.

I started buying my own cannabis at 14, i could afford to because I was in childrens homes and I was a thief. I've never grassed anybody up in my life, and it's not just kids that are liable to inform on you. If you are selling weed and have a regular custom base you don't need to actually sell to kids for them to get a hold of your weed. They have older friends that are more than willing to get it for them. The thing to remember is that no matter who you sell to that everyone of them has the potential to grass you up. Older people often have a lot more to lose than a kid.

keep your growing and your dealing seperate. A couple of ounces are a lot easier to hide than an entire grow room.

Anyway, could anybody clarify what age makes you a kid. I'm not interested in the law's standpoint. For me it's from birth to 12.


Well-Known Member
i completely agree with the age range of kid birth to 12 is reasonable, and what people need to understand is that there is no way you can get in more trouble for not ratting on someone,...the only occurance ive ever had with police about weed was on valentines day this year, i had just gotten out of work and i had just bought a lil to toke, i handed the dime bag to my friend whom looked at it and gave it back, well my step mom had seen him hand me the bag and thought we were making a drug deal in front of her house. so she told me to empty my pockets...needless to say i just about told her to fuck off, so she said she was calling the police. so i said ok im going to dispose of the evidence. we went in the woods n smoked it all, stashed our scales n bowls etc. in a ziplock in the woods under a fallen tree. so he went home(nextdoor) and so did i . about 5 mins later the cop came in screamin at me to get outside, im cocky so i laughed and asked if i could at least put shoes on...hahah he screamed no-he was pissed. so i went ouside he losed the door behind us. then his tone completely changed from douchebag to buddy-buddy fuck-wad. he proceeded to ask; what drug, my age, how much and from whom i got it, well i answered 3 out of his four questions, i said weed, im 18, and i had a ten bag. he asked where it went, and where the rest of it was so i told hime i knew he was on his way and i smoked it.... he then told me if i didnt tell him who gave it to me hed have me takin downtown. so i told him no, the guy has a newborn and i couldnt do that to someones family. besides im not a snitch and i didnt wanna get my ass whooped. he didnt find shit on me so he couldnt do shit.he left to question my friend dave..... whom isnt as thick headed as i am and sang lika bird hahha


Well-Known Member
I've personally seen the effects of pot on children as young as three. I lived in a commune in Az. in the '70's. there were about 15 children living with about 30 adults. the children were allowed to freely participate in pot smoking. I saw no noticeable effects, of course I was pretty stoned myself on pot and peyote most of the time. I do believe that it affects school work as I watched my little brother smoke his way through school up to the 10th grade at which time he quit with never more than a 1.5 grade average. I also think it stunts mental growth in children. My brother started smoking at 6 years old, I had nothing to do with this as I didn,t live at home during this time (I'm 17 years older). I don't like "Big Brother", but the parents should observe their children and prevent this activity untill they reach 18, after that, they're on their own as far as smoking. I think I'd rather see them smoke pot than cigarettes! I haven't smoked in 20 years, but with the onset of old age, I'm retired, and with the arthritus in my hands and joints, I see the benefits of this drug as a pain reliever.


New Member
In a truely free society, it is none of the government's business what the citizens smoke, drink, snort or inject ... as long as the rights of another citizen are not violated in the process.

For all of you who support government interference in our daily lives, for what ever reason, it is YOU who are to blame for the drug dogs in our schools. It is YOU who are to blame for the DEA arresting little old ladies in wheelchairs for visiting a cannabis club for med users. It is YOU who are to blame for our money laundering laws. It is YOU who are to blame for our loss of financial privacy. It is YOU who are to blame for the nearly one million people rotting in our prisons on NON-violent drug convictions. It is YOU who are to blame for our ever diminishing liberties.

Now, would all those in favor of socialized medicine run by the federal government please stand up. :hump:



Well-Known Member
What an abhorant idea! the thought that if a person gets sick he might actually be able to get help without making himself bankrupt and the insurance companies rich. I am one of the fortunate few that actually have an insurance plan that is worth the paper it's written on. There are what, 60 million whom have no insurance but make too much to be on medicare. The system of medical care we have in this country is like everything else, the best money can buy. What if you have very little money. oops too bad go ahead and die, your just a statistic. I'm sure that if some smart compassionant people, like Doctors, got together, they could figure out a plan to cover every person in the country and eliminate the big pharma rip offs and the Insurance thieves. Like I said, I've got mine, but I still feel for those 60 million that have nothing! Most doctors are compassionate, I'm sure there are a few (like plastic surgeons in Beverly hills) that are in it for the money and would not want to see Govt. involved, but a single payer system would beat the hell out of what we have today! I'm in favor of doctors making a good living by being doctors, not corporations!


Well-Known Member
And it works, right, Canada has a similar program, in fact, a lot of poorer countries have some form of national health care! I believe that in a civilized world, it is incumbent on government to provide health services to its citizens., If the Insurance and Pharma companies were controlled or nationalized, the people would be much better off health wise. In this country, unfortunately, we also have the best politicians money can buy. I've done OK for myself and family, coming from abject poverty. I'm not rich by any means, but we live a comfortable life. Without health Insurance at my age, (65), I could be bankrupted by one visit to the hospital! My wife has Diabetes, Me also, hers is worse and we both take a shitload of medicine. My insurance charges $7.00 per 30 day supply for each scrip., If we had to pay retail, we'd be paying several hundred bucks a Mo. Just to stay alive. as it is, it's only a couple hundred. I still pay $257.00 a mo. for the insurance, which is a real bargain in this country! If it weren't for my Teamster retirement medical coverage,(my wife is only 58 so not elegible for medicare) if I could even get insurance (diabetes precludes coverage in most instances), it would cost $1400.00-2500.00 a Mo. Fucking insane!!


New Member
It works but is getting worse by the day. It keeps getting less money when it needs more. But when you explain your country this place seems like heaven. You work all your life only to give the money back at the end when you most need it. Maybe you should emigrate.


New Member
There is a federal law that prevents hospital emergency rooms from turning away ANY emergency patient. The hospital MUST care for any patient who walks into their emergency room EVEN IF THEY CANNOT PAY. In addition to that, each county has a county hospital where people can go on a pay as you can basis. Of the 40 million (not 60 as alluded to above) who do not have health insurance in the U.S., many of those are younger people who really can afford health insurance, but who have made the decision to forgo the cost of the insurance and live with the risk. We do not have people starving on the streets here, nor do we have people dying as a result of lack of emergency treatment. For those who cannot afford drugs, the doctors have free samples of everything they would need. The drug salespeople keep the doctors well stocked with these samples. The doctors play the game and give the samples to their patients who are in need. Now, with that said, if someone needs a liver or heart transplant and doesn't have the money to pay for it, they are pretty much out of luck. But, what's the waiting time for those kinds of surgeries in Canada, England and France?

The best bet here if one needs a heart or liver transplant would be to commit a felony, go to prison, then get the medical procedure done at state expense. No waiting lines and all bills paid in full. We take good care of our prisoners here.



New Member
The waiting times here can run into years depending on how severe the problem. People die here all the time because a match can't be found for them. We're usually quite good when it's a young child that is need of an almost instant transplant, it makes national news.

I see where you are coming from with the youth of America thing. I don't have a doctor and have never felt the need for one. Maybe when I'm older I'll need one, but I doubt it. I'm completely against prescription only medicines. You ever read the side-effects on those things? They've gotta be worse than whatever you're suffering with.


Well-Known Member
Man you are too hard core for me, youv'e got all the right wing answers for any condition. I hope when you meet your maker you can say "Lord I was a generous, loving, compassionate man that truly cared about my fellow creatures on this planet", but alas I feel you'd be lying, as in "Fuck you, I've got mine, go get yours". Now try and convince me different. You've obviously got brains, it's the heart thing I'm concerned about, No I'm not a pious person, Lord knows I've made my share of mistakes. The difference is that I'll admit it. Peace!


New Member
In what way am I right wing? I have never once told you not to believe what you believe, merely that I think it stupid. I'm not trying to control you by putting my own thoughts across. Is that how you feel?

Your wisdom is sorely lacking again as I am a very compassionate man. I even cry, well a subdued cry, at sad endings in films. I usually manage to cover it up somehow, but my missus has clocked it a few times.

So because I have no religion and have strong opinions this makes me an incompassionate man? No, you are wrong. I feel love every day, my gf (as I don't believe in marriage) my two boys and my close friends. This is all the love I need, and yes when it comes to others outside of this I have very little compassion for them. I know this world at its ugliest, it is not full of beautiful and kind people. I find it very hard to trust, but when I do you'll have my loyalty for life. Maybe one day you'll witness the true ugliness of mankind, maybe witness someone get their head blown clean off right in front of you. Maybe then you'll see what life really is and how precious you should make it.


Well-Known Member
Read the title of my last post, I was referring to V-Redd. He is the capitilist oinker. I was not talking to you. A person that has to grow pot to make a living is probably not that well off, although with the price of pot these days, maybe! I remember $50.00 Kilos. You had to break them up in the bathtub. I used to sell ten dollar lids that filled a sandwich bag to overflowing, no bunk either. If you wanted the exotic stuff, Panama red, zacategas, columbian, acapulco gold, etc.it was $50.00 a pound. There was no skunk or other hybrids available at that time! in my best recollection, it was a tie between zacategas and Panama Red. Laughing gas for sure. My supplier lived in sunset beach Ca.. He had a small beach house with a one car garage. I've seen it piled to the rafters with kilos. They'd pull up with a van in the middle of the night and back up to the garage and unload hundreds of kilos, I even helped a few times. The police were almost non-existent at night in beach cities at that time> The good old days!The best pot came around Christmas, Usually wrapped in Christmas paper!


New Member
similar to my country. Skunk only started appearing in this country about 15 years ago, before that i was smoking that compressed weed that most of the time was covered in seed. Else it was low quality hash. Sorry about the confusion. My fault, I tend to ignore the titles of posts.


New Member
It has nothing to do with "Right Wing" or "Left Wing." Nor does this topic have anything to do with capitalism or pigs. It has EVERYTHING to do with what's moral and what's immoral. As I said in a different post, to take from one by force, to give to another in need is NOT charity, it is theft. If what you do as an individual is against the law and immoral, how does it become lawful and moral if a mob does the same thing? Call your mob anything you like ... You can even call it a "majority voting bloc" if you wish.

And by the way, I only voted for one Republican in the last three election cycles and he is my local state senator with libertarian views.



Well-Known Member
You are a stinker, give the people their free will and free economy, lol, there would be gunfights in the streets and the toughest guys would have all the money, and they would hire thugs (cops) to protect them and then would have to choose some leaders and then make some laws (that benefit the rich) Then make work for the lower classes that will enrichen them (The rich),etc. etc! Actually kind of what it is now


New Member
Hey, hey ... my Marxist friend. Glad you are participating in these threads (honest).

"You are a stinker, give the people their free will and free economy, lol, there would be gunfights in the streets and the toughest guys would have all the money, and they would hire thugs (cops) to protect them and then would have to choose some leaders and then make some laws (that benefit the rich) Then make work for the lower classes that will enrichen them (The rich),etc. etc! Actually kind of what it is now."

Let's see if I understand you. You're saying that, liberty and economic freedom result in anarchy? How does the free exchange of goods and services cause the "toughest guys" to break out their guns? And, the criminals don't hire the cops, we do through our tax dollars. The cops, courts and jails are there to control those who express human nature, in this case greed, in a negative manner.

Yes, its true ... the people who are the most resourceful, best educated and hardest working, usually get ahead. Many of those people provide jobs for the less talented and less resourceful. There is nothing wrong with getting ahead in life. The alternative is poverty ... and poverty sucks. Be thankful that you live in a society that is NOT a caste system. Be thankful that you live in a society where one can become wealthy through inovation and hard work. The key is to help enough people get what THEY want and you will eventually get what YOU want.
