Dry Buds??? Lemme hear your input


Active Member
Ok, so my short rider has been drying for 6 days today.. There was 12.1 wet in multiple nugs so no big colas or anything like that.. I feel the buds and it feels as if the outside is crispy to the touch but not like crispy to where it breaks up into pieces.. BUT the stem does not "snap" when bent.. it just bends as if its not dry... what are your opinions on if I should continue to dry or go ahead and jar it now?? The dry box has been about 53% humidity and 69-71 degrees.. There are fans going in and out (pc fans).. With past buds i have got the stem to snap when dry but this feels dry just no snap..

I attached a picture of the buds to show the size (or lack there of) lol

The meter in the box was from the day i put it together prior to puttin it in its final home and sealing it off...



Well-Known Member
You can jar it, just remember to open the jar a few times a day to prevent mold, you will find that if you do not open the jar periodically then your stash may gain too much moisture. Your drying at a relatively high humidity so you can expect a slow dry.


Well-Known Member
there are a lot of different methods, so no finite answer. I hang dry till sepal's (calyx, the little leaves that stick out of the buds) are dry, and crumble to the touch, then I jar them up. See lots of people hang till where you are at then start paper bagging before putting in jars and burping once a day.


Active Member
I have added them to the jars and cut any excess stem off.. i will be burping the jars a couple times a day for a few days just to be on the safe side then do to daily for a week or 2.