Dry Seedling Leaves


Well-Known Member
Been having trouble with keeping the temps down in my grow box up until yesterday. I've been good about watering imo also by waiting until they have dried out first a bit before doing so. Now my 1st seedling is doing fine. Its already growing its 3rd set of true leaves and sprouted on the 6th. Now the other 2 however sprouted a day after and are both sitting in cut down dixie cups just so that they are all in the same amount of dirt since the first seedling is in a diff pot.

Their first set of true leaves are dry and a bit crinkly but its second set of true leaves are coming in and looking fine. Is this any cause for concern or its just a couple of leaves that won't exist soon enough? I also have not started nutes of course and the soil is FF Ocean Forest.


Active Member
Sounds like your fine. Relax, you said the second set of leaves looked good right? Post a pic if u can. It would make it a little easier to tell but, it sounds like your good. Now comes the hard part...... having to wait for it to be done Good luck:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your fine. Relax, you said the second set of leaves looked good right? Post a pic if u can. It would make it a little easier to tell but, it sounds like your good. Now comes the hard part...... having to wait for it to be done Good luck:bigjoint:
Here are a couple of pics. The one in the green pot is the eldest but smallest growing the best with spots of yellow and some browning or rust at the tip of one of its leaves. I am not sure if its nute burn or lack there of. There are only a week only seedlings so I haven't started them on nutes yet.

Dry leaves on this one, I don't know if it is noticeable in the picture or not.

And dry leaves on this one. Second set growing in are looking and feeling fine so I am not too worried. Was just wondering if it is something that may carry over if one of the conditions weren't kept in check. I actually have yet to check the pH believing the soil and the distilled water I am using is enough until I start adding nutes in which case I plan on getting a pH tester and some buffer solution like pH UP.

I didn't realize how blurry the pics were, the camera screen doesn't do the view justice so its hard to tell if its a good pic or not.