Dry Soil after a 24 hour Watering?


Well-Known Member
whats the deal ya'll? i have been having to water my soil allmoast every day. i have a wet/dry deater and the damn soil is geting dry, and i only have a 400 watt mh, the bulb an reflecter its about two feet away from the plants due to being in a closet the heat is too over wealming to get the light anycloser. but anyways anyone know why its drying up so fast, and do i have to keep the soil damp? or do i let them tuff it out till the next feeding?

thanks guys, anything helps,,,,
good luck on everyones crops!
...........................................seattle....black thumb!


Well-Known Member
how do i bring the huemitity up? cuz i woke up an it was dry...this is gaper,,,but there going way strong....but still some one please tell me how to bring the huemitity up please....thanks ya'll


Well-Known Member
Do you have a Thermometer that measures the humidity? you can get them at wal mart for like 20 dollars or alil less..


Well-Known Member
naa, i got one to tell me how hot the room is, one to tell me how wet my soil is, and thats it for now,,i need to get one thoe


Well-Known Member
Hi sea,
what size container are your plants in?
What type of soil mix?
What is temperature in plant area?
Sounds like you have a moisture meter; I would wait for it to read dry before watering at all. I think your plants may benefit from more of a wet-dry cycle.


Well-Known Member
The temp in the room right now is 76.4, and the 3 week old plants are in 11 inch pots right now. and for the soil, iam using 60% poting soil, 15% fox farm worm castings, 15% perlite, 5% sand, 5% n,p,k primix


Well-Known Member
That’s a good temperature for your plants to flourish. See how much the temp rises if you lower the light so it is closer to the plants. I like to keep it in the 80's Fahrenheit with the light as close as possible to the plants... experiment and see how close you can go without pushing temps too high...more light equals bigger buds!
Seems to me that you are over watering; depending on humidity in room as you raise temps.
Your containers are 11" but what is volume? I'm guessing at least a couple of gallons, if this is so; my hunch is you are watering too soon.
Try holding off on the water for a while, just watch them closely and when you see them starting to droop….water.
After a while, with some practice, you'll get a feel for the plants need for water by the weight of each plant as you pick the babies up!
[FONT=&quot]It will become second nature[/FONT]