Dry/wilted growth points


Well-Known Member
My plants out of nowhere, and overnight, showed blacks pots and dry crispy growth. Even on perfect plants that were doing fine until 2 days ago, with 10 nodes worth of perfectly healthy growth. It all happened after I top dressed with 1tsp/gal or bone meal, kelp meal, and crab meal.
the plants first showed dark spots out of nowhere, and then started to very quickly dry out, and then new nodes stopped growing and dried. I just posted this thread but re posted, because the other thread wasn’t much help. People told me it might be alternaria, but I guess not because the lower growth shows no signs of black dots, and because it hit my plants so quickly(over 24hrs)
This plant was perfectly healthy, growing fast, and showed no signs of stress or deficiencies until yesterday.



Well-Known Member
Here are my other plants, these weren’t perfectly healthy to start with, but the black dots came at the same time, as I too dressed them all together.



Well-Known Member
Temps are at 75 degrees Fahrenheit consistently, with a RH of 55.
I just checked every plants soil ph using a soil ph probe, and they average at 7.0. The worst plant’s soil ph is 7.2. I am growing in ffof, backed off the synthetic nutes, flushed, and re amended the soil with “nature’s living soil” and crab kelp and bone meal.


Well-Known Member
Also, since the new growth is all crispy, should I cut all the stems down to expose the older healthier growth? Or should I keep the wilted growth points and let them slowly grow back? Or is it too late and should I give up.