Dryin curing


Well-Known Member
Cut off all the buds and accompanying leaves and stick them in a brown paper sack with the top open. Stick the plant back on the veg cycle and do it all over again yet another time or two or three. When the bud and leaves in the bag get dried out somewhat put the goodies in glass jars. Take them out every day and open the lid for a while and twitch it around a bit. Start smoking it and by the time you get through a few jars it will be just right. Hopefully it last till the next harvest. Good thing about DIY is I aint bought none in about a year or so which was the goal from the beginning of this hobby. My dope is about 10 times more better than the Mexican dirt weed the dope seller has to offer. It sorta like making sausage bbq or reloading bullets. It slightly too much work to be classed as fun but it beats the heck out of the store bought stuff. Si si?