Drying Bud


Well-Known Member
Hi Guy's

I just harvest some of my Ak-48 and its air drying as we speak.( The bud smells like a skunk shit a roadside fruit stand:-P) Here's my dilemma I’m going on vacation for a week and I won’t be able to check on my buds while they are curing until I get back meaning I wont burp the jars I'm worried about coming back to moldy buds....I was thinking about putting them in a jar with holes poked in the top for air circulation and pray to the pot gods that they’ll spare my buds from “mold” I’m fairly confident the buds will dry out enough to place in curing jars before I leave.....The question is how should I store the bud during the week that I’m gone?

Thanks in advance for any advice


Active Member
1 week ?.... personally I'd leave in dark on a rack ... if you put holes in jar if moisture still there then rot will be too.


Well-Known Member
If i did that they'd be air drying for about two weeks....I should have stated the proper timeline...The harvest was Sunday 11/7 and i leave 11/12 for vaction and return 11/19 (12 days of drying) They'll be dryer than a popcorn fart by the time i get back.....I guess really dried out uncured bud is better than shity moldy bud...lol

Thanks for the advice btw


Well-Known Member
air dry for as long as you can, then very gently stuff it into a cardboardbox, semi seal the box and leave it. i have done this method and it works fine, i wouldn't try it if the buds weren't dry to the touch.

:leaf:420th post:leaf:
:clap: :clap: :clap:


Well-Known Member
My last harvest I air dried for 14 days cause I also had to go out of town, and whaen I came back they were very dry. All I did was put them in big glass jars with some orange peels for a few hours and they were stickey icky all over again. Works like a charm.


Well-Known Member
My last harvest I air dried for 14 days cause I also had to go out of town, and whaen I came back they were very dry. All I did was put them in big glass jars with some orange peels for a few hours and they were stickey icky all over again. Works like a charm.
air dry for as long as you can, then very gently stuff it into a cardboardbox, semi seal the box and leave it. i have done this method and it works fine, i wouldn't try it if the buds weren't dry to the touch.

Thanks for the help guy's, I'll just them air dry until i get back....I have really bad Weed Growing ODC....so this issue has been driving me nutz!