Drying Room smells like Hay!


Well-Known Member
Can some one please help a brother out! My drying room smells like a straight up barn. is this good/bad. if so how can i correct it? this is my first harvest and im trying not to fuck it up too badly. lol. i got it hanging in a dark closet with a small oscilating desk fan blowing on them at Low speed. i also keep the door ajar at all times.

any info would be greatly appreciated

Also, can anyone explain the process of "flushing"? i know it involves just water...but what exactly do you do?

thanx again for any help.


Well-Known Member
Flushing is pre harvest, it is where you use a low ppm solution in hydro, or straight water for a couple of weeks in soil before harvest. The objective is to get rid of the stocked up nutrients in the plants so you don't have to smoke it.


Well-Known Member
Thx. i have one more plant approaching harvest so i was just wondering. now i just need some one te help me with the hay smell problem!