you will get over an ounce i reckon, two if you get really aggressive with the stirring and shaking.
i have tried many methods, none of the other methods come close in yield to this one:
dried, frozen, grinded up trim in the 75mu bag with some coins with no ice or water, it's basically keif and it doesn't stick together, i mixed an ounce of that with 2g of sticky black bubble hash and it forms a nice lovely lump.
as i said it's not strictly hash, but when you mix it with a small amount of something soft and sticky you cannot tell the difference. defo worth a try mate.
you would get 3-4 oz off that beast using this method.
Silver bubble? I've never heard of that one.Waste not want not Osc. I really don't see what all the rave is about. If I could get a clone of silver bubble I would love to grow that.
I completely agree with this. This is how I used to do it when I was younger. Simply because that's the only way I knew how. Then I read and read and read and have tried pretty much every other method of making hash. For some reason this really did give me the biggest yields. I am gonna return to this method next time.i have tried many methods, none of the other methods come close in yield to this one:
dried, frozen, grinded up trim in the 75mu bag with some coins with no ice or water, it's basically keif and it doesn't stick together, i mixed an ounce of that with 2g of sticky black bubble hash and it forms a nice lovely lump.
as i said it's not strictly hash, but when you mix it with a small amount of something soft and sticky you cannot tell the difference. defo worth a try mate.
you would get 3-4 oz off that beast using this method.
bumpole of the bailey. tidy weight fella, im intrigued by this dry sieve with a bag lark. id love a go at the dry ice way but you wouldnt belivee the cost in the uk.
bumpole of the bailey. tidy weight fella, im intrigued by this dry sieve with a bag lark. id love a go at the dry ice way but you wouldnt belivee the cost in the uk.
as feeble as my attempts have been i found that i get the most with this method i stole from uI have found that if you dry your trim like your bud then this generally doesn't happen. Going on subcools premise of less plant matter from undried bud in the finished product I decdied to give it a try....but I think it's a load of old toally! Dry trim for sure, frozen for an hour prior = best results for me.