DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hoots mun lmao Doc like the accent.

hows tricks me old china? still rocking out dank at a phenomenal pace i see. new lens is doing those babies justice for sure fella.

hope you had a sweet hogmun ;)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
what you been smoking ambs, lol.

that is indeed one of the many ways to reveg without having like a 4 gallon pot with a stick in it and two leaves. I just cut back the roots and down pot.
ive been schmooking da auto blueberry better than a blueberry muffin for breakfast. lol
im revegging 2 girls, exo cheezey cheez bc and a bubblebomb.
I repotted the bubblebomb in a smaller container and the exo cheeze i left in her smartpot after harvest,
I stuck them in the phototron for 24 hours of light,. First i gave them both alot of hygrozyme and now i will feed a shot of nitro .

have a chillaxin weekend dsters


Well-Known Member
Good luck with the reveg Ambs and have a great weekend too, try not to shoot anyone eh!!!


Well-Known Member
hi T, all is good, just been harvesting my OG, some Cheese, one of my Bolo kushes, and various DOG's and stuff, lol. Enjoying a Livers joint at the mo.

Hope all is well in the world of Tryna!

Peace DST


Well-Known Member
Id say you got the hang of that new lens! wow, awesome pics of some truly awesome buds DST! now try and nurse that headache with some of that dank ;-) :peace:

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hey dsters, i hope your feeling better. wow it seems like your harvesting something fresh everday. thats wonderful.
say, i dont remember quite well how you said you dry your herb.
i know you hang it in the stinky room for ONE day?
then paper bag it for 2 days?
then hang it again.??? lol

could use a little refresher if you have a moment. thanks ambz

oh yeah oh yeah... i almost forgot to tell you..
i was taking my exo cheese back cross of the drying line and i heard a strange sound fall from the one branch.
A SEED!now so far 2 big fat ones! i hope maybe one will be the purple pheno


Well-Known Member
cheers whodat, really enjoying the new lens, it's better for scenic shots....look out South Africa, here I come!!!

Doc, I hang it up for around 3-4 days, then still on the stem I bag in paper bags and hang the bags up (leave them open and hanging) Then second days close them up, then 3rd day in the bag snip of bud and if necessary leave for one more day, then into jars.

Well I think that exo bc had some purple in it anyway so you never know Ambs!!!

Cheers for the link EM!!!

Sunny and chilly in the Dam today, I love these days, brisk clear and fresh!


Well-Known Member
Im loving the new pics from the new lens bru, pics are amazing, ladies are amazing, boys look like they are ready to do some damage in a whorehouse ;0


Well-Known Member
Sorry sorry sorry, will lavish updates on my thread shortly.

Thanking you muchly Bill, I reckon you would have a joll with this lens lad. Next purchase is a proper macro lens, (just don't tell the wife yet!!! ssshhh).

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hi there DST, when do you know for sure that your herb is dry? I thought it was dfry and then i put it in the curing jar and it got all moist again. So i burped them thinkin that would do the trick, but its still pretty moist. Should it ever be bone dry? i have some herb that i have been curing for several months now and its not like crispy dry but kinda squwooshy. Then i have some that has been curing for several months that is crispy dry. What do you recommend.? i cant remeber what yours felt like, it was all a bluuurrrrr.thank you amber


Well-Known Member
Nice pics D how do you get them so shinny? Excellent pr0n as always bru :peace: 1BMM
Good camera I guess Badman, either that or you have a really clean PC screen, lol.

Hi there DST, when do you know for sure that your herb is dry? I thought it was dfry and then i put it in the curing jar and it got all moist again. So i burped them thinkin that would do the trick, but its still pretty moist. Should it ever be bone dry? i have some herb that i have been curing for several months now and its not like crispy dry but kinda squwooshy. Then i have some that has been curing for several months that is crispy dry. What do you recommend.? i cant remeber what yours felt like, it was all a bluuurrrrr.thank you amber
Spongy is not really my thing, the bud when dry should be quite hard, but still have a little bit of give when gently squeezed between the fingers. If you feel you have put them in jars to early, leave them there and have the jar lid open and move or manipulate a couple of times a day..Hard dank nugs is what you want, not bone dry, or spongy (sort of in between).

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
morning bruseph! hows tings in the dam? still wet!? :lol: spring hahah don't make me laugh...... it's manky grey over the channel. wish i had some buds to ogle


Well-Known Member
buds to ogle coming up, we are having one of those, drizzley days over here after 2 days of wonderful freshness and blue skies..


Well-Known Member
Snipped this tray of DOG this morgen. Again, just pulled the top of the stump out and planted the new clone directly in the old medium. Then added some compost on top.

Got another DOG tray and a single DOG to come down in the next day or so. Just gave them a final water and then they getting it!

Some pics from this drizzley morning.

and the new exo's in place.

