DTW coco in trays - solutions for clogged drainage lines?


Active Member
I've been running some coco filled pots in a top-fed drip system, using trays as a catch basin. I have an active pump-out system for the drainage that moves the waste water into a central sump, then down the drain. My issue is that the coco that spills out of the pots (either through the drain holes in the bottom of the pots, blown off the surface by the circulation fans, or splashed out during hand watering) has been clogging up the drain lines from the trays, and has also been clogging up the active pump system. This results in frequent cleaning and babysitting of the drain system, which is counterproductive.

What I have tried:

1. Wrapping the tray drain fittings in panty-hose. This keeps the larger pieces out, but the smaller "silt" particles still build up rather quickly and cause clogs. The larger chunks also quickly clog the outside of the panty-hose, so while it prevents them from getting into the drain line, it still slows or prevents the drainage.

2. Covering the drain fittings in gravel after wrapping in panty-hose. This helps by spreading out the surface area and providing additional filtration, but the "silt" still gets through.

Anyone have any ideas for a way to effectively filter out the fine coco "silt" to avoid clogging drain lines and pumps?