Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide


Well-Known Member
Temps 72° res 68°
PPMs 920 PH 5.8

Heres some shots of the pk grow.

You can see some purple already on some buds.

We are at week 6 of flower at this point. This will be the last hydroton grow. After these girls are done I put the aero tub back in and the White rhino is coming in here. The tub in the floro cab will have the blueberry. Thats what I am thinking anyway.

So I need a place for these green crack clones, I got the lower shelf but I got no place to drain to. I really dont want to add soil to a hydro grow cause of the bugs. After lookin at someguys journal I am gonna try a small hempy drain to waste under there.

Using the six inch square containers and two 1/2 gph drippers on each side of the plant should do it. Im using 75% perlite and 25% vermiculate. About a 4 gallon res and a 200gph pump. I figure water about 5 min a day to start. Heres the drip system.

After ten minutes watering it from dry I got nothing out of the bottom. I ran for another ten minutes and I got some water out the bottom of the containers. I used ph 5.8 tap mixed with flora nova grow at 660ppm.

OK Looks like it about time to transplant those clones.


Well-Known Member
Well Thanks for the kind words but this is hydro. You grow in dirt Doe and there is no need to flush. Not sure about you riddle but I have not flushed a hydro grow enough before and It sucked. Harsh smoke, and you taste it.
I'm soil also, and trust your word on hydro as your grows always look great as do that last batch of pics


Well-Known Member
No problem reel, I figured you were playing in dirt. Hydro is a different deal. I dont know why but it is. Yea I do post a lot of pics. I host my own on my server and use file zilla to upload. It takes about 10 seconds to upload 10 pics. Rocks man.

OK, I finished up.

The roots slid right out of the bottom of the cup

I found I needed to take a bit more out for the roots...

Then held the cutting over the hole and dumped the rest back.

I got another one of those sunblaze 24" T5 for down here. I used the same frame I made before. I can adjust the height of the light by using the racks.

I will give them a day to get used to it then I will set a screen on them and lower the light. Only got a foot or so, this will be interesting.


Well-Known Member
looks pretty sweet. I wish I could get green crack around here. but that strain is nowhere. Never seen hempy done like that. Looks like it will work our real well. +2 points for innovation.


Well-Known Member
i dont know but i flush even in soil. it cant hurt and in the last weeks of flower, i wont to get all nutes out of soil. on the haw.... i flushed yesterday ill let her dry up tyhem one mor time. run off was 450 want it down from there so one more flushing should do it. her nutes were up to 600=750 ppm. i think soil or not flushing be fore harvest is a good think , cant hurt right


Well-Known Member

I will give them a day to get used to it then I will set a screen on them and lower the light. Only got a foot or so, this will be interesting.
Hey man! Lookin great! I see you decided to go with the perlite/vermiculite mix. I hope this works out well for you... But really.. hempy with auto-feed is sooooooo Easy. LOL.. If I get you working less you may switch over...LOL Every time I start thinking about nft or dwc or aero I start thinking about all the work I used to do and then think about now where I sometimes dont look in on them for a week.... then I stop thinking about it...lol

Again...I ramble.... but excellent work!


Well-Known Member
i dont know but i flush even in soil. it cant hurt and in the last weeks of flower, i wont to get all nutes out of soil. on the haw.... i flushed yesterday ill let her dry up tyhem one mor time. run off was 450 want it down from there so one more flushing should do it. her nutes were up to 600=750 ppm. i think soil or not flushing be fore harvest is a good think , cant hurt right

I gotta say that this last time is the first time I used a flushing agent. I used final phase from AN. I have already nipped at some and the taste is incredible...


Well-Known Member
looks pretty sweet. I wish I could get green crack around here. but that strain is nowhere. Never seen hempy done like that. Looks like it will work our real well. +2 points for innovation.
Thanks man, yea, I havent seen anything exactly like this but similar and by adding the vermiculite to the perlite I think it will retain just enough water to keep it moist. I tested a single dripper per container but dont think it spread enough so I used two.

i think soil or not flushing be fore harvest is a good think , cant hurt right
Nope, cant hurt thats for sure.
It only takes once, you grow a crop, takes 3 or 4 months, cut and dry it couple weeks more, then finally you try it and its harsh and tastes like nutes. You will flush everything after that.

Hey man! Lookin great! I see you decided to go with the perlite/vermiculite mix. I hope this works out well for you... But really.. hempy with auto-feed is sooooooo Easy. LOL.. If I get you working less you may switch over...LOL Every time I start thinking about nft or dwc or aero I start thinking about all the work I used to do and then think about now where I sometimes dont look in on them for a week.... then I stop thinking about it...lol

Again...I ramble.... but excellent work!
If this works out, your my hero. lol
You know, your right. with the proper drainage I can get the advantages of hydro (quick growth and more control of nutrients) and soil (less mantiance) at the same time.

I gotta say that this last time is the first time I used a flushing agent. I used final phase from AN. I have already nipped at some and the taste is incredible...
Agreed. I use clearex for the first 24 hours now when I flush and it seems to do the same thing in a day as it used to take me a week to do with just straight r/o. I still run straight water for a week, ppms dont change but I think that gives them time to use up whats left.

Earl mentioned some growers use it during the growing cycle a mini flush sort of speak. Like between veg and flower of when ya get a nute lockup. You run it for like 12 hours then change out. You have to start real low nute ppms or you will burn it because after the treatment the plant is just aching for nutes.


Well-Known Member
TEarl mentioned some growers use it during the growing cycle a mini flush sort of speak. Like between veg and flower of when ya get a nute lockup. You run it for like 12 hours then change out. You have to start real low nute ppms or you will burn it because after the treatment the plant is just aching for nutes.
Unfortunately I just experienced this first hand in my flouro flower champber. I was having problems and they were getting stressed. I flushed for 24 with final phase and then swapped to a nutrient load. BAD IDEA. They were burnt to shit today so I cut it all out and have it in with the trim bag drying for butter. :( Getting ready to dismantle that cabinet right now as a matter of fact... Its days are done. :(


Well-Known Member
Woops, looks like I am a day late and a dollar short.
Yea, it works good but 12 hrs not 24 hrs and start back at 1/4 strength.


Well-Known Member
Woops, looks like I am a day late and a dollar short.
Yea, it works good but 12 hrs not 24 hrs and start back at 1/4 strength.
Its ok. While learning new things sometimes shit happens. I am going to take the cabinet apart this weekend but I will also finish my cloning and flowering bins so all is right in the world...LOL. I did just take a bunch of God bud clones. :)


Well-Known Member
God Bud, oh I like the sound of that name. I bet it rocks.
I know what you mean, when your grow is set up right its like everything is right in the world.


Well-Known Member
Dam This Trainwreck from that last floro grow is awesome.
After 2 or 3 hits I forget what I am doing.

OK That mother Green Crack had Powdery mildew on the lower leaf so I cut the tips off to see if I could clone with this thing and get cuttings without the shit. Then threw her out.
After 24 hours they still stand up. So thats good news.

All ten seeds have sprouted. Blueberry on the left and White rhino on the right.
Four of the rinos got tall fast so I made my little wire guards to hold them up if there is any problems hardning off.

Yahoo! Cant ask for more then that.

Oh yea, I got to thinking, that PK started to get the PM also. I changed my mind and tossed them too.
All new genetics.


Well-Known Member
what medium are you using for the seedlings?
im assuming they will go straight to hydro once there big enough....


Well-Known Member
mmmm blue berry. what the breeder? i use dutchets, it was alsome. thats why i got the b,b. autos going, i want some more. witch would be in about what 40 days. now tell me cruz how long before those are done, lol oops . but you know you ask me a question the other day. and after looking at the plant size and with quick turn around, just looking at these others, and seeing what my yields going to be, with reg... 70- 80 days plants, even if i grew one then another as soon as i harvested start another, in witch have 90 days to do two, i would not get the yield, not even close. reg you can net more weight. with out a dought. so said all that to say no not worth it. you get 10 reg... seed and 10 autos youll get more off the reg even at 70 day.