Dual PC Grow 12/12 Bagseed*


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

Sorry for the negligence of this journal, but as always there is a good reason. Sadly, this will be my last PC grow due to my inability to conceal the light and from the excessive temps I could not escape. I have already cut down Ivy and will be cutting down Lushus tomorrow night. With that said, I would like to give v12 and all the others that have helped me along the way -I just wish I had more bud porn and less problems to show for. Nevertheless, I learned a great deal over the past year and a half and I will be applying that to my next grow operation.

My next operation is going to be a mid sized cabinet with a [hopefully] 400W hps. The box is already build and I am putting the finishing touches on it as I post. Once I get the temp test I will then germinate and start a new journal. I still have the little ladies germinated after Ivy and Lushus which i might just chop early because they are only about half way done. I have yet to decide their fate yet.

Again, thanks for the help everyone and I hope to see ya'll helping me with my new box :)




Well-Known Member
Thanks v12, sorry you tried so hard to help me. I greatly appreciate that. You should come check out my new set up and weigh in your advise -I would love to hear it. https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/359005-need-advise-new-grow-cabinet.html

Cheers mate,


Smoke Report on Ivy [bagseed]:

Seedless with high amount of red hairs. About .7 ended up being about a blunt so she had the right amount of 'fluff' to her. Smells very "planty" almost in a non-weed smelling sense, but after grinded up smells like straight hydro quality [like smells like heaven fucked a [correction: my] weed plant. Smoke was a bit of alpine with just a touch of 'planty' after taste. High was straight to the head, with abstract mental thoughts, good and calm but not lasting a great deal of time. I would call this grow a success even though I did not stick by it week by week just because of the good smoke. Made the time and effort worth it and boosted my confidence level much higher. Even had a second and third hand source tell me it was better than my last grow -so I am thrilled and I got free weed to smoke :weed:


Well-Known Member
I hear ya infinitihigh, I am really excited about the potential of my cabinet. It feels like this weekend [set up weekend] took a thousand years to get here. However, I am glad I was patient because it paid off in experience that is for sure.


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear bout the issues x. at least youo are bout to have abadass set up that will grow alot more thatn the pc.

peace buddy