
Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,I was only able to get duckfoot clones where I live,its a popular outdoor strain where I live in NY, But I have never tried and no one I know has tried an indoor grow with it. So I was wondering if anyone here has any knowlodge about this strain or growing it indoors. Thank you in advance.I can post pics if needed,but I am new here and still abit nervous about posting pics.


Well-Known Member
lol that would be a great name, I have been doing some research on it and found info on this site and ICmag. I was surprised to find out it was from the outback, This strain has been in NY for as long as I can remember, and everyone up here grows it (outdoors).Make you wonder how these strains find there way half way around the world in an era b4 seedbanks.Maybe someone from upstate NY went on vacation to AUS. in the 70's and meet wallyduck...Whatever the case I hope someone has grown this indoors so I can see if I want to. I am hoping to do this in a SOG on a 4x4 E&F table.


Well-Known Member
@dizzle if you ever want it just come to up-state NY(Adirondack Mnt. region) everyone up here grows this


:fire:Had one of these years ago thought it was a genetic anomoly.sure would like one we called it webfoot.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
lol that would be a great name, I have been doing some research on it and found info on this site and ICmag. I was surprised to find out it was from the outback, This strain has been in NY for as long as I can remember, and everyone up here grows it (outdoors).Make you wonder how these strains find there way half way around the world in an era b4 seedbanks.Maybe someone from upstate NY went on vacation to AUS. in the 70's and meet wallyduck...Whatever the case I hope someone has grown this indoors so I can see if I want to. I am hoping to do this in a SOG on a 4x4 E&F table.
Here in Oz, the term 'outback' is quite arbitrarily used for any country zone that has more land than buildings, really, and you're probably right: Back in the 70's and 80's it wouldn't have been too difficult to slip a few seeds in your cap or wherever, and voila! :)

I didn't even know it was from Australia, and I am 7th generation Australian! Hows that for being kept outta the loop! :wink:

Give ME some that shit, it'll grow pristiiiiine here given the climate is native. I will start asking around now I know it's a local herb, someone'll have it.

THOUGH, you'd probably find that, here, most Aussie growers are probably more attracted to strains from the UK/Netherlands. It's always the way people are: People always want what they *don't* have, never what's commonly available, so it might be difficult to get here.

Uh I got the hiccups. God they're a piss off.


Active Member
the link says this strain grows fanleaves as big as dinner plates lmao..

and could take up to double the amount of nutes,that other strains can handle.heavy feeder.

i like the web-leaves :)


i would'nt bother trying it inside.
i had some a while back about 7 years ago. it grows very large and will fill up your room.
i had problems growing it inside because it was getting powdery mildew on the leaves due to the lack of
if anyone has these seeds for the original ducksfoot please let me know.
i will move mountains if i hav eto.
my so called friend stole the last of my ducksfoot i had outside 7 years ago befor they had a chance to bloom or seed.

kona gold

Well-Known Member
The Duckfoot, aka Duckfoot kush, is not an Austrailian or NY strain.
It had been a strain grown in Hawai'i many years ago, and i had a chance to grow it 15 years ago. Not one of my favorites though, more of a novelty strain for looks.
The original strain seems to have come from the Tiebet region, and was brought in long ago.
That being said....occasionally you might come up with this type of mutation if you crack enough seeds! Sometimes this happens!
Dont see why it would be difficult to grow indoors, any strain can be grown inside!!!!


Ive heard of ducksfoot bfore...word is its from the islands in nq,(north queensland)great barrier reef,dont know how it got to the islands,and it dosent supprise me it migrated from hawaii.I havent heard of any for awhile tho,its kept tight,and id say it grows big,until the late 90s nearly all weed was outdoors.There was another strain around at the same time the story is it was white,from the islands,and pure 1 cone knockout weed.but i havent heard of either being in abundence for around 10 yrs,but its nice to know its going off big time somwhere out there.