Duct Muffler Question

Mr.Bob Saget

Active Member
I'm looking for someone that has a duct muffler installed? How much does it reduce the exiting exhaust air from your duct?

It seems that the air coming out of the duct is louder than the fan it self.

Mr.Bob Saget

Active Member
is this an intake fan or exhaust??

They can go on either, I would assume...But I was interested to know how well they work on the exhaust side.

If you are using an exhaust system to vent a small tent or room, I want to know how well these work to bring the Db level of the exhaust air coming out of the vent.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Ya ive had the same issues, but i think ive figured out that im just going to run my ducting from my wardrobe into the actual ventillation system of my house.