Dude I suck, did I wait too long to water?


Well-Known Member
Watered them Monday morning :X didn't do it again till tonight after work =/

Only girl thats upset is OG x SD (probs on the rag but i love herlol:peace::joint:)

Did a 4 day span between the last watering and it didn't yellow just drop a bit(perked up after water) the time before this and they were only drooping a bit no super fast yellow. I read that really drying out before you water can help build the resin but I'm guessing I'm doing it at the wrong time or just outright doing it wrong, possibly too long of a break? =/

Also, she's almost budding like, in too many places.

Like down by the base, i know those aren't getting good light, but she's trying to bud there too but her gnarly canopy just pwns the low growth, and I'm not about to shave her bush.

Would I benefit the upper main buds at all with any kind of pruning technique? what would i prune specifically?

(sorry that the pics blow, the cameras not good, i had bad ligthing, next time i needa get the flash to stay off)



Well-Known Member
Some More shots, one with the 250MH turned off just the led's and an 85w flowering Compact flouro (they're closer to the plants than they look in the picture im confused), the colors come out kinda cool i didn't alter it at all,it looks like there's a really bright area on the floor and thats OG x SD's spot but I had her out for water and pics, i gotta take her out to do the rest.

also for my space i could definately go larger (and will next time) in veg but i need to produce ASAP for personal reasons.

(The small plant in the back is because I really do suck and dropped a freaking fan on her but she's a trooper, she won't give up)


[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Too long without water, oxygen, hydrogen and nutrients - Watering is very important!

When plants are small they transpire less, and don't require as frequent watering as when they are larger with more leaves.

You don't have to water everyday but your babies need water regularly.

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Under watering will slow plant growth

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]A wilted plant that has been without moisture for several days can still be saved if watered immediately and thoroughly...SO IT'S NOT OVER FOR YOUR PLANT!!!

Hope that helps....


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Too long without water, oxygen, hydrogen and nutrients - Watering is very important!

When plants are small they transpire less, and don't require as frequent watering as when they are larger with more leaves.

You don't have to water everyday but your babies need water regularly.

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Under watering will slow plant growth

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]A wilted plant that has been without moisture for several days can still be saved if watered immediately and thoroughly...SO IT'S NOT OVER FOR YOUR PLANT!!!

Hope that helps....
I don't mean to be rude but it sounds kind of like you did not look at the pictures(or read the whole post.............)


Well-Known Member
if you think that maybe you need to organize your post better, it rambles so much I did'nt read it at all. Lcuky you got any answer. and from seeing her posts kitty knows what she is talking about, you would be wise to look again. VV


Well-Known Member
if you think that maybe you need to organize your post better, it rambles so much I did'nt read it at all. Lcuky you got any answer. and from seeing her posts kitty knows what she is talking about, you would be wise to look again. VV
why even respond when you just admited you didn't read it all either? She's talking like i have baby seedlings or clones, and it's pretty clear she didn't read the post. (sure she knows what she's talking about but her post does not help me at all, yeah plants need water, wow go figure, I'm asking if this is causing specific yellowing etc.. not for someone to copy and paste generic advice that is completely non-specific)

If I presented it sloppy then ask for clarification, it seems to me like she read the thread title only and responded to that, and now you're telling me to listen to her when you even admit to not reading the thread. wtf people I'm not being a dick but why are you?

I like how I'm getting shit for having thought people would actually read my post and look at pictures to give good advice. Next time I'll just post the whole question in the thread title with pics ok? jesus christ


Well-Known Member
I am asking you to clarify your post so I can read it and I promise I will go back and read it and respond as specifically as I can. VV


Well-Known Member
I am asking you to clarify your post so I can read it and I promise I will go back and read it and respond as specifically as I can. VV
Thank you, I appreciate it. The first post has the pictures of just the plant with the issue. The plants you see in the second post in the tent didn't droop or yellow. She is 19 days flower in the pictures.


I have typically been watering every 3 days, and when I go to water they've not been drooping or anything.


I read some information which suggested that letting the plants dry out more can help produce resin, I started watering every 4 days.


The 1st watering after the change to 4 days, she only slightly drooped and perked up after the watering.

The 2nd watering after the change, not only did she droop but now some of the old lower growth started discoloring and yellowing, some even dieng.


Maybe nitrogen deficiency as it wasn't getting it from the roots it took it from old growth since its a transferable? She's too small to be root bound right?

She seems to be budding from TOO many places, like way at the bottom where I know she's not getting good light because the upper canopy is dense. I assume this would be some crappy buds down there so I'm hoping to find out if theres any sort of pruning I could do that would maybe benefit the upper buds?


Well-Known Member
Thank you, I appreciate it. The first post has the pictures of just the plant with the issue. The plants you see in the second post in the tent didn't droop or yellow. She is 19 days flower in the pictures.


I have typically been watering every 3 days, and when I go to water they've not been drooping or anything.


I read some information which suggested that letting the plants dry out more can help produce resin, I started watering every 4 days.


The 1st watering after the change to 4 days, she only slightly drooped and perked up after the watering.

The 2nd watering after the change, not only did she droop but now some of the old lower growth started discoloring and yellowing, some even dieng.


Maybe nitrogen deficiency as it wasn't getting it from the roots it took it from old growth since its a transferable? She's too small to be root bound right?
A second hypothesis. This is normal. Sometimes plants will shed there lower leaves, in nature the wind would knock them off. If it spreads throught the plant them it could indicate a problem. I use the old axium, if in doubt flush it out. Jorge recommends it in his book as the first thing to do if you are not sure what problem you have. 1/4 strength nute solution is best for flushing, the plants will release the old nutes more readily or something. 90% of the time, if it is a nutrient problem this will solve it. The only one it won't solve is poor drainage and you didn't get them to this point without good drains.

She seems to be budding from TOO many places, like way at the bottom where I know she's not getting good light because the upper canopy is dense. I assume this would be some crappy buds down there so I'm hoping to find out if theres any sort of pruning I could do that would maybe benefit the upper buds?
Yes there is. I posted a trim yesterday, a kind of picture story. Its titled 'Show me how to do early vegetative pruning and fim.' I'm pretty sure I got it from a post Mogie made so it will be in the FAQ, second button, upper left of this page. I realize you are not in early vegging now, your are definately into flowering, so there will be trade off's for this kind of 'ruthless pruning'. It will shock the plant and slow down the growth. This can be ok if it is allowed to recover before harvest, how much time do we have here??
What a problem to have, she looks healthy and happy and a little bushy. Can you explain more of your setup, you know make it like a journal. How many and what kind of lights etc, ventilation. Looks like an intense lst to me and very well done. Maybe explain how you do it? VV