Dumb newb on their fourth grow

phil k

Well-Known Member
take a pic from the side not the top i bet you all the branches are going off on a 45 degree angle upwards.. come on!!!!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
No those aren't.. but smart pots do way more then your giving them credit for..they are the way they are because I made them that way.. I can get that shape no matter what I use..

phil k

Well-Known Member
LOL grow stem.. its shaving your plant prior to flower so your not flowing your little piss buds and spending useless energy on useless buds...oh wise one.. but I'm sure you knew that..

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
LOL grow stem.. its shaving your plant prior to flower so your not flowing your little piss buds and spending useless energy on useless buds...oh wise one.. but I'm sure you knew that..
Yea definitely, that's why I keep mine short..I'm here to grow weed not long stems. That plant doesn't give anyone a reason to buy your soil man. You should stop already that's bad for business.

phil k

Well-Known Member
Yea definitely, that's why I keep mine short..I'm here to grow weed not long stems. That plant doesn't give anyone a reason to buy your soil man. You should stop already that's bad for business.
dude what are you talking about... why would i care about anything that has to do with my program.. first off you said "OH MY GOD WHAT DID YOUR SOIL DO TO THE PLANT" so in response i posted what i did... your missing the big picture here.... have a good one

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member

dude what are you talking about... why would i care about anything that has to do with my program.. first off you said "OH MY GOD WHAT DID YOUR SOIL DO TO THE PLANT" so in response i posted what i did... your missing the big picture here.... have a good one
OK, OK ..I didn't mean to get you sad man relax. you're just giving out fucked up info and I don't like it..u could have said smart pots have their disadvantages. That's true. But saying it's a scam is stupid. Air pruning helps create more roots...imo you're not great at growing and your plants prove it...don't get me wrong I fucken suck to. I know pro's and believe me we are not them.

phil k

Well-Known Member
OK, OK ..I didn't mean to get you sad man relax. you're just giving out fucked up info and I don't like it..u could have said smart pots have their disadvantages. That's true. But saying it's a scam is stupid. Air pruning helps create more roots...imo you're not great at growing and your plants prove it...don't get me wrong I fucken suck to. I know pro's and believe me we are not them.
LOL.... good luck to ya my friend..

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
dont do the smart pots.... they leach humidity like mad... the water leaches out the sides when you water sometimes.. they don't produce roots on the sides of the pots because they dry out and allow light... we used to give them away all the time with out soil and last year we stopped because all the issues..
if your properly oxygenating your water smart pots are pointless... its a sales gimic
You obviously don't know what you are talking about!its called air pruning buddy! And it creates a massive root base..smh!
no i know what I'm talking about... i gave smart pots away for YEARS when people purchased our soil system. i wouldn't give them to anyone ever again.. its very simple.. your roots don't grow to the edge.. they actually stop 1/4" away from the edges except on the base.. CANNABIS plants will only grow a few inches OUTSIDE of their root circumference ... so please explain to me how smart pots are better when your roots can't expand to the edge? you will not only have a less wide plant, your roots aren't extending or wrapping around the grow container which allows the branches of the plant to extend further.... SO NO its not better BUDDY...

Smart pots also LEECH MASSIVE amounts of humidity compared to using plastic pots..they are nearly impossible to water without any water flowinging everywhere out of the container..

Yeah it's called Air Pruning
I'll side with Phil K on this one shine!

I tried smart pots for a couple of companies.....I gave bad reviews and low and behold,,,,,,they never used them in any advertising.
Hmm. I wonder why?

No really, Smart pots dry out too fast.
Smart pots concentrate the roots into a tight ball, thus they do not absorb the nutrition in the whole pot effectively.
This concentrated root ball also causes the "umbrella effect".
This is where the water/nutrient (if you so use a liquid nute) simply run around the root ball and exit the pot into the tray....
You have to leave the pot in the tray to pick up that run off to get the whole pot/root system damp. And it don't work that well to do it.
Hell what about what leech's out, is that good nutrition for the plant?

The root tips are important. Pruned tips take time to recover!

Nope, sorry,,,,,Smart Pots ,,,,, Aren't!

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