Dumbest Stoner Mistake...EVER

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Yesterday I was getting ready to vape with my Da Buddha and I turned it on to start heating. I prepare the weed for vaping and start packing it in the tube. I get a phone call and I have a family emergency. I rush out of the house without a second thought and am gone for three hours.

Everything turned out o.k. and I came back home and started to fix supper. Only then did I realize that I had left my vaporizer on that whole time. I run back to my room and find the PAPER plate that I had the weed in is on top of the vaporizer. With it on. I must have set it there in a panic as a ran out of the room. The setting was around the 2 o'clock setting. I was mortified. I fully expected the plate to burst into flames before I could get to it. Keep in mind this is several hours later.


The plate was barely warm even after sitting directly over the heating element. I couldn't believe it. My Da Buddha is working fine. I've vaped several times since then. No damage to anything. I am absolutely amazed by this. I will NEVER do that again but it's nice to know that my vaporizer isn't as dangerous as I thought it was. :p


Well-Known Member
First off, not only did I find your sceenname hilarious, me encanta carne seca.

I guess that's good you didn't burn your house down :D


Ive never used a da buddah, but i know my volcano wouldn't light paper on fire unless it was stuck inside. I would have been more worried about the fan blowing a paper plate full of weed all over my room lol

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
First off, not only did I find your sceenname hilarious, me encanta carne seca.
I'm a dried up ol' cowboy from New Mexico. I've been rode hard and put away wet.

I guess that's good you didn't burn your house down :D
Yeah. it would have sucked to be homeless just before Christmas. The greatest tragedy would be the loss of my girls. I just transplanted them to five gallon pots. :O

Ive never used a da buddah, but i know my volcano wouldn't light paper on fire unless it was stuck inside. I would have been more worried about the fan blowing a paper plate full of weed all over my room lol
Look! No fans! :p The Da Buddha doesn't utilize fans. Fans! We don't need no stinking fans!

My digital volcano shuts off automatically after 20 minutes of no use..

I wish the Da Buddha did the same. Sometimes I forget to turn it off after vaping. I'm a bad bad man.


Well-Known Member
bromance. totally understandable. he did get riled up easily. i wish i knew what happened i only got vague information.