Dumbing down the food chain!!!


Well-Known Member
Cheap chicken is as fatty as a burger. Contains 100 more calories than 30 years ago and contains 80%-100% less omega 3 fatty acids(brain food) and has been linked to the hikes in mental illness and slow brain development in children.

This is dumbing down the food chain.



Well-Known Member
they've been "dumbing down" the population for a long time.
why do you think most people are completely clueless about the governments intentions?

here sheeple sheeple.... eat your food now, watch your television, work for us, we love you!

even when shit hits the mainstream media, people are like "dduuuhhhh... what? oh britney spears is shaving her head on channel 69!!!"

i would advise that you look into flouride and aspartame and child vaccinations.


Well-Known Member
This is not about governments its about retail giants. These giants are confusing people saying that cheap chicken is as good. Cheap chiken is about making money as if they where manufactured goods and they are tbh, you should see the state they are kept in. And this is why there nutriunt value is low. UNHEALHY CHICKEN = UNHEALTHY PEOPLE/MENTAL ILLNESS. More so than what we are told that weed does.....

join the campian againt the super markets....at www. chickensout. tv ... www.chickenout.tv (chickenout is run by a uk chef on channel 4/mainstream media uk)
holla if you do/have

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Well-Known Member
It's called capitalism, cut corners to increase profits....the consumer be damned...Look at the risks taken by using Chinese ingredients for stuff that's easily available here.."but shit its $1.00 more a ton."


Well-Known Member
This is not about governments its about retail giants. These giants are confusing people saying that cheap chicken is as good. Cheap chiken is about making money as if they where manufactured goods and they are tbh, you should see the state they are kept in. And this is why there nutriunt value is low. UNHEALHY CHICKEN = UNHEALTHY PEOPLE/MENTAL ILLNESS. More so than what we are told that weed does.....

join the campian againt the super markets....at www. chickensout. tv ... 404 Error (chickenout is run by a uk chef on channel 4/mainstream media uk)
holla if you do/have

At least you are not obligated to eat the chicken where as you are almost obligated to drink your fluorinated tap water(unless you can afford to buy tap water wherever you go)..

YouTube - Fluoride Poisoning
YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride About fluorinated water.. Don't just take the word of thes videos. Do a quick search on youtube and see if you find one good thing about fluoride in our water

YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water
But yet, this person says fluoride is good for children!!! I'm scared to drink tap water now. I feel like every time I do I'm losing some brain cells..... :mrgreen:...... I'm serious though. :-|




Well-Known Member
Ok..but join th e campain....people power works. esp when you are share holders....but numbers count anyway even if your not a share holder.... TAKE ACTION!!!


Well-Known Member
At least you are not obligated to eat the chicken where as you are almost obligated to drink your fluorinated tap water(unless you can afford to buy tap water wherever you go)..

YouTube - Fluoride Poisoning
YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride About fluorinated water.. Don't just take the word of thes videos. Do a quick search on youtube and see if you find one good thing about fluoride in our water

YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water
But yet, this person says fluoride is good for children!!! I'm scared to drink tap water now. I feel like every time I do I'm losing some brain cells..... :mrgreen:...... I'm serious though. :-|


Flourride is not added to uk water. and even so this is not a terrable thing

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Cheap chicken is as fatty as a burger.
Because the cheap chicken contains "rib meat".... that's where the fattiness comes from. Same with Beef.... yes Prime Rib ROCKS!!! but it's also the fattiest cut of beef from the cow.

They aren't hiding it... the packages say "contains Rib Meat" right on them. Why do you call it the "dumbing down of the food chain"? The packages are labeled.... and the nutritional value listed right on them. What .... do you expect part of the chicken to go to waste? If they ONLY used the best part of the chicken .... do you know how expensive it would be? Poor people couldn't afford it at all! Plus we'd be labeled as "wasters" for throwing out the fattier parts.

I don't know why some people expect the government to babysit for us all.... READ THE LABELS! We have affordable food here... yes some fattier then others... it's up to the consumer to make the best decisions they can based on what they can afford. If you can only afford the cheaper fattier chicken ..... then cut down on the portions and add more veggies to the meals! Can't afford veggies? Then grow some! I grow a lot of my own veggies. One might also suggest cutting out the purchase of soda pop and other junk food to have money for better chicken and/or veggies.

I don't consider myself "dumbed down". I can read a label and make an informed decision for myself. I certainly don't blame companies who employ workers for selling as much of their product as they can to provide those paychecks...and yes..... :::SHUDDER THE THOUGHT::: .... make a profit.


Well-Known Member
Because the cheap chicken contains "rib meat".... that's where the fattiness comes from. Same with Beef.... yes Prime Rib ROCKS!!! but it's also the fattiest cut of beef from the cow.

They aren't hiding it... the packages say "contains Rib Meat" right on them. Why do you call it the "dumbing down of the food chain"? The packages are labeled.... and the nutritional value listed right on them. What .... do you expect part of the chicken to go to waste? If they ONLY used the best part of the chicken .... do you know how expensive it would be? Poor people couldn't afford it at all! Plus we'd be labeled as "wasters" for throwing out the fattier parts.

I don't know why some people expect the government to babysit for us all.... READ THE LABELS! We have affordable food here... yes some fattier then others... it's up to the consumer to make the best decisions they can based on what they can afford. If you can only afford the cheaper fattier chicken ..... then cut down on the portions and add more veggies to the meals! Can't afford veggies? Then grow some! I grow a lot of my own veggies. One might also suggest cutting out the purchase of soda pop and other junk food to have money for better chicken and/or veggies.

I don't consider myself "dumbed down". I can read a label and make an informed decision for myself. I certainly don't blame companies who employ workers for selling as much of their product as they can to provide those paychecks...and yes..... :::SHUDDER THE THOUGHT::: .... make a profit.
read Home


Well-Known Member
cheap chicken is not chicken....if free range was norm then that would be cheap chicken.

do you not care about your health? or the health of all?


Well-Known Member
im not ...this is a pressure group... end of

sittin on your arse does nothin

get up and fight


Well-Known Member
Thanks but I'm good.....I eat a lot of fresh fish and veggies. As for others... I like to think my fellow Americans are capable of making decisions for themselves.
and do you think they should confuse/take advantage of ignorant people?...no offnce you are in the top 2 fattest nations on earth
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Well-Known Member
LOL.. you haven't tasted chicken until you've had free range- there is NO COMPARISON hands down. For those who wish to debate this.. obviously you haven't had free-range chicken before... you also haven't tasted what REAL eggs taste like if you've only has that crap at the store... I WANT ORANGE YOLKS AND SKINNY CHICKENS! Bring the real food back and start supporting your local farmers.


Well-Known Member
LOL.. you haven't tasted chicken until you've had free range- there is NO COMPARISON hands down. For those who wish to debate this.. obviously you haven't had free-range chicken before... you also haven't tasted what REAL eggs taste like if you've only has that crap at the store... I WANT ORANGE YOLKS AND SKINNY CHICKENS! Bring the real food back and start supporting your local farmers.
Damn straight..a whole different thing..I used to get eggs & chicken from a lady I worked with who was completely organic and free range...the orange yolk is great.....