Dwarf Clementine Orange Tree.


Active Member
So I just purchased a dwarf lemon, and dwarf clementine Orange tree. I am going to keep them in pots on the patio and I will probably try and keep it under 5-6ft. I was curious to know if anyone has one and any advice to successfully getting fruit? Also I live in an area with harsh winters so i will be bringing it in. Should i just throw it in a bay window or under some flouro's for the winter months?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!


Active Member
I saw dwarf Tangelo trees at the local nursery here. They were no more than 3.5 feet from soil surface to top and were showing probably 20+ fruits a tree. It was pretty neat to see.


Active Member
My uncle has a couple dwarf hybrid trees. lemon/lime/orange tree. It's pretty crazy I think he only brings them in and keeps em next to the window away from a draft and they do ok. but im not sure on that.