DWC first grow


Well-Known Member
i just put together a homemade DWC system
at the moment i have 2 65w CFL's 6000k and 3000k

but my main problem is getting started;
do i have to use rockwool cubes?
how high does the water need to be in the DWC? up to the netcups????
and wat are the basic things i need to know when growing just 2 small plants in 60+ days??

any expearienced growers wanna help me out a little? :peace::joint:



Well-Known Member
well u need some kind of medium i use rockwool works very good there are many things to use just do a search for hydro mediums and ull see... no roots touching the net pots maybe an half in into the pot. just make sure ur pump works and theirs water and nuts and ull be fine my first grow was a dwc and ill stay growing hydro forever gl


Well-Known Member
well u need some kind of medium i use rockwool works very good there are many things to use just do a search for hydro mediums and ull see... no roots touching the net pots maybe an half in into the pot. just make sure ur pump works and theirs water and nuts and ull be fine my first grow was a dwc and ill stay growing hydro forever gl
well im just trying to grow to small sized plants for a hobby bcuz im tired of shitty ass weed. i can do better:mrgreen:

would this be a decent setup???

2x 65w CFL's 6000k & 3000k
4gallon DWC with airpump & airstones.
and im going to use rockwool cubes (2in.)
and some grow rocks.

would this be enough to grow two plants maybe 1-2 feet tall???
and once i start germinating my seeds in just going to transfer my seedling to rockwool cubes.

thanks for your time,


Well-Known Member
more light. way more light, i dont think you will be pleased at all with 2 plants and only 2 cfls.


Well-Known Member
need way more light everything else is fine but way more light get urself a 400w converter which can use both mh and hp... that would be enough for 2 plus a few more if u wanna use cfl for 2 footers which is ok ur just gonna need more


Well-Known Member
When you buy cfls,
you should look at the package,
and note the real wattage of the bulb.

50 watt cfls only produce 13 watts of light.

100w clfs produce about 40 watts.

Watts are watts.

Whether from HPS or CFL.

You have to compare the proper numbers.

The real number that matters is PAR.
(Photochemically Active Radiation)

You can see from this chart that plants prefer certain spectrums of light.
The appropriate light is listed below.



Active Member
When you buy cfls,
you should look at the package,
and note the real wattage of the bulb.

50 watt cfls only produce 13 watts of light.

100w clfs produce about 40 watts.
I thought it was the other way around, 40w produces 100w etc.? :confused:


Well-Known Member
well im not going to buy $300 worth of lights that just stack up your electric bill.
its a lil hobby i wanted to do... if i can get a quarter to a half ounce i would be happy as happy.
but is the two 65w CFL's going to be enough to flower the plant? if i get maybe 14g from two plants ill be pleased honestly.

HEY has anyone heard about that shotglass grow comp here on rollitup? if so. send me a link :)


Well-Known Member
i dont think you'll get 14g's of those 2 plants with those 2 cfls. and a 400 watt light isnt going to "stack" your electric bill.


Well-Known Member
i dont think you'll get 14g's of those 2 plants with those 2 cfls. and a 400 watt light isnt going to "stack" your electric bill.
<a href="TinyPic - Share the Experience!™" target="_blank"><img src="http://i32.tinypic.com/106c3sn.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> well shit that was grown under CFL's.

and yeahh i cant have my electric bill go up harrdly any.and plus im on a budget i dont have a job.
but i gotta Q.

does anyone know where i can get 100w MH/HPS lamps at?????
any online shops???

somebody help me out??? bcuz if i dont get CFL's; then im going to look for one of those.

thansk :)


Active Member

becareful tho, as they have a thing to sign that has HTGSupply.com logo on it...

got a very angry phone call from my dad asking me what i needed a grow light in my apt for!!!!! LOL! "ITS FOR A FRIEND"


Well-Known Member
well i use a 1000w and my electical bill only went up about 25 bucks....but anyways i saw this really sweet cfl grow on here u just got to search it... he had 10 1000w cfls and was growin 10 plants... they were probably the best looking bushiest plants if seen in a while...its possible to do just get a few more...it should work.... chek out insidesun.com they got good deals... well good luck