DWC Help?


Well-Known Member
looking to build a small dwc setup for 5 plants. can anyone provide good plans or designs? i looked in the diy section but couldn't find anything good. thanks!


Well-Known Member
that's crazy there isnt' a normal bubbleponics DIY system in the growfaq.. i just check it out.. hmm
i made my DIY one from DWC step by steps from somewhere. anyway..
Here's a basic run down of mine. i have no step by step pics though.
  1. 3 gallon sterilite container
  2. Net Pots (or DIY Net Pots; sliced up solo cups)
  3. Airstones / Airhose Splitters / Check Valve
  4. Make sure the container is light-proof. Duct Tape.. Paint.. whatever.
  5. cut 5 (2 inch) staggered holes on the lid, or 6 (3 on each side).
  6. drill a hole, big enough for the air hose from your air pump, on the side of the container under the lid a bit (but enough for the lid to close with a tube in the hole)
  7. add airstones/splitters/check valve, feed airhose through the hole to hook it up
  8. add water and net pots, with the water level 1/2 inch below the net pots. * Make sure no light gets through the net pots, use hydro rocks or net pot covers.. etc


Well-Known Member
word. maybe i'll make a dwc with drip? we'll call it the "americanized" drip dwc. set it and forget it. but seriously, i'd need a pretty strong pump for that wouldn't i, in order to have 5 branches of tubing coming out of the main line...1 to each potsite. and from there it's exactly the same as the basic dwc. i'm just adding another pump to move nuted water over the plants from the surface as well?


Active Member
After you put the water level to 1/2" to the bottom of the pots, when do you add nutes? How do you know hou much/many nutes are in the rez? and how do add/replace water/solution?


Well-Known Member
you mix the nutes according to the concentration charts that the company provides and take the lid off to add more water and/or nutes.


Well-Known Member
word. maybe i'll make a dwc with drip? we'll call it the "americanized" drip dwc. set it and forget it. but seriously, i'd need a pretty strong pump for that wouldn't i, in order to have 5 branches of tubing coming out of the main line...1 to each potsite. and from there it's exactly the same as the basic dwc. i'm just adding another pump to move nuted water over the plants from the surface as well?
if they are just starting, and they are in RockWool or whatever, in their netpots, water is 1/2 below em, the air pump always runs. the bubbles will spray the bottom and sides of the net pots when they pop. this will dampen your RW or whatever medium.
until the roots have gone into the water, you might have to top feed them if the meduim gets too dry.
once the roots are in the water, you just have to watch the ph and water level. you can let the water level drop more when the roots are in.

the roots will get nutes when they drop into the water, and ALWAYS keep the air pump going.
keep the water circulating as much as you can, get multiple airstones etc.. or even a pump to circulate it..


Well-Known Member
Why are U making it so hard bro. DWC= Deep Water Culture. U dont need aero or drip or anything else growing this method. All this consists of is a plant in a pot with water and food.
There are simple rules to follow to be successfull growing in this method. Its really that simple.Choose your reservoir size whatever it may be. Cut a hole and Place a net in the top. Put your water level 1/2 inch below the bottom of the pot add a pump and air stone and ur growing hydro.Its honestly that simple.