DWC or Hydroton, exhaust and lights


Well-Known Member
Bubbler Project after 19 days, and some sexy little gurls. They smell gud!!!

It seems that the flowers haven't grown much, and I think it's because the heater in my nutes was bad and the temp was down in the low 60's. I took the heater from my aquarium, poor fishes, and dropped in n2 nutes which are now 69.3 degrees. Maybe they will catch up???

In 2 of the pics of the clones in the "Master Cylinder" bubbler you can see nute burn; I have been ramping the ppm's up to about 1000 now, and that happened when I went from 720 to 1000 ppm's. and a deformed looking leaf caused by PH being too high. I THINK (don't quote me) that when PH is too high the leafs become deformed, and when too low the leafs do not form properly and have missing patches. Like something form a scifi flick... Those are the 2 pics preceeding the upclose bud

Still looking for a Co2 setup California. I can get a tank, i need the hardware and will do dishes for it.



Well-Known Member
A Recap:
I vegged 3 plants for 66 days and then went to flower cycle. I ended up with one male, so I immediately removed him, leaving 2 females, now 2 weeks older (2 weeks because they showed their sex at about 2 weeks).

Luckily I cut clones before I switched to flower cycle, but I got good news and bd news...

I cut 3 clones but didn't label which plants they came from because i didn't expect them to survive in my experimental bubbler, but they are kicking ass.

One IS a female purple kush, and I KNOW which that is, but I cannot be positive of the other two. THey are both the Lights of Jah, but I don't know if they came of the same plant, and one of them was a male...



Well-Known Member
C'mon Mystery, quit it with the mysteries, this aint "The Pickup Artist"... lol

I don't know if I understand what you mean? What gaps?

Do you mean that the branches are too close together at the screen?

What would you suggest?

Thanks for he pointer, I just don't get what you mean. I did widen the space between branches, but is that not enough?

I'm a noob, please explain.
OK, I forgot you were doin SOG lol...
What im saying is that if your screen had bigger square's (for the bud to get through) then the bud has potential to get that big.

I saw a couple grows where the screen was perfect but the guy had to pull braches through the netting because they werent going in by themselves. This resulted in small colas that are restricted to their fattness with the itty bitty screen.

They look good though bro, a little like mine lol.. I havent checked you out in a while.. Keep me posted..

P.s Pick up artist is a tight show, hmmmmm your the first but check this out (found out about this 11/2 year ago, before the show was advertised:mrgreen:) http://www.fastseduction.com/discussion/ visit the beginner + gen. section... Its a forum likeRIU only for diff puposes:hump:..


Well-Known Member
I sure hope those little nuggies grow!!!

I'm in week 3 of flower, when do they grow most???

I'm going to do the home made CO2 with yeast for now, but I'm going to Ebay when come back from the market and start looking at CO2 solenoid/meter/gauges ...


Well-Known Member
Anyone with some educated input would be appreciated.

Here are some pictures, but my buds are barely growing it appears.
The Purple Kush has a lot of super sexy buds, covered in white trichs, but they are minimal size. the LOJah has buds, but very little white trichs.

Anyone with some educated input would be appreciated.

I am now using yeast and sugar to create CO2 which is emitted from the clear tube I hung on glass ceiling. I need to invest in a system, but this setup is so small, I thought this could work.

Anyone with some educated input would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
it took 5 days. What worked the best was RO water with PH at 5.5, no nutes (Superthrive is all I used, 1 drop per gallon), and a lot of bubbles...

I treated the cutting as if she was going into rockwool; I submerged in water immediately after cutting from mother, I made a second, angled cut, and I used clonex.

I had better luck keeping the cut ends above the water level so the bubbles would splash them. The submerged ones died on me.

5 days

guud luk


Well-Known Member
kool ph is 5.8 used 2 drops of thrive alive red and used clonex.........................hope it works


Well-Known Member
I read someplace that the roots like 5.5 if you can get there. Double check what i say though, I could be mistaken. 5.5 worked for me. Then in about week I had the ppm's up to 1000 and very little burn.

Good luck!

Now I need to create one more "thing" for the growing mothers that I want to clone from. I think I'm going to use a rectangle plastic tub. You'll see... lol


Well-Known Member
If I was a gurl i would title this post, "The inside of my box"... It's not tidy, I'm still tweaking it. My box that is... lol

Just some recent shots. I haven't seen many pics of the underside of a screen, so hopefully this sheds light for many.

The last 2 pics are of the 2 different strains in box, Purple Kush and Lights of Jah.

I want to add this float valve, but I'd hate for it to not work properly and overflow.


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Nice setup you have going looks good......im on for the ride wanna see how it turns out....and how much you harvest from the four plants i was debating on going with 4 or 6 in my mother room well good luck :weed:


Well-Known Member
My question is, When you harvest with this setup, do you cut the stalks on all plants, then pull the whole screen off, or how do you get the plant off the screen to harvest?LOL!!!

I know it's a silly question, but i never knew the answer to that. I love the SCROG Method, but never fully understood the concept,so i never tried it.


Well-Known Member
I have never harvested from a scrog, but it's going to be simple I believe. My light is adjustable so I will need to stick my head in and inspect the back buds, but when they are ready, they are all above the screen. Couldn't be simpler I imagine, but I'll tell you after I harvest.

Be aware, all the ties I used have been released and are not holding branches any longer. There are still some in the bush, but they are loose so the screen should lift off when needed.