DWC/Soil - 400w HPS - Sexy Avatar!

Silent Running

Active Member
those plants will be nice size in a few weeks..... be vigil of the ph and ppm in your d.w.c. grow.... also make sure your rez never gets above 70.... you want it like 65ish...... if it gets too warm in there it will invite bacterias and other shit to grow in there and fuck your roots all up..... you can easily keep temps down useing a few frozen water filled gatorade bottles.....
Thanks for the info. Waiting on my ppm meter to get in now so I am going a tad easier on nutes than I probably need to.

It takes a genius to combine a topless redhead with growing dope. +rep
If it would help the ladies grow, I'd sun bath in there with them.

Now I'm confused!!!! PM me Santa's list? :-) Should be in the next couple days and perfect timing since I killed my entire Veg tent.
Responded to your email about it. I think that got confusing is when I was mixing the names "northern lights" and "white widow"...joking around. All mine are labeled correct except maybe the one in the dwc. I'm pretty sure Santa labeled everything sent out to everyone.

Ok, so I am a peeker. I have two alarms set on my phone. One for 30 minutes before lights go out and one for when lights come on. This morning I checked the ladies out to see how they were doing...especially since I changed out res tanks yesterday. The growth explosion is just crazy in there. The only one that doesn't appear to be growing is the shot glass comp one. Other than that, oi! So I topped two and fim'ed two. All of them already had their 4th (5th on one) node growth. PW is actually starting to thicken up in the stem and responding very good to the lst. She's probably going to get lst'ed around the outer edge of the net pot. Second tie down either today or tomorrow on her. I'm very happy with the color of all of them...but amazed at how deep green the color on the HKxAK is.

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Well-Known Member
Hey SR, how much and where did you get your PPM meter from? I need to get a tri-meter but I also need some Money :-)


Well-Known Member
Hey sr, here's some flowers for ya.......... some white russian and rose bush to sweeten up the shot!

or should it be some rose bushes w/ white russian to sweeten up the shot? me thinks the latter! lol


Well-Known Member
Lights are off for another 4 hours. I'll get some when they come back on. :)
yea ......I plan on getting me some when the lights come back on too! ........wait a min, are we talking bout the same some?

Sorry as I was scrolling back to the top I read that post and couldn't resist! Have I mentioned how immature I am?

Silent Running

Active Member
Hate taking pictures with the lights on due to the redish orange tinge. Most of the pictures have the labels showing...those that don't...eh. The two in the one party cup are HKxAK. The one in the party cup off to the side and out of the main shot is a NL. I think the rest show what they are. You can also see some of the fim'ing and topping. And the PW is definitely getting her second tie down tomorrow.


Silent Running

Active Member
Yuk. Next set of pics I take will be when the girls first wake up and I'll pull them out to take them. They are very green and the pictures don't do justice to their coloring.