DWC Solar Storm 440 LED X 2 First grow(Comments Welcome)


Well-Known Member
There's a cpl amber here and there. Not a large amount. To call it 5% or anything like that. Always one or two on the screen, but there's probably also 1000 trich in that screen


Well-Known Member
In your experience how much longer from
Damn near 100% cloudy? Possible next cpl days or a solid week? I'm sorry I'm a pain in the ass....


Well-Known Member
Day 53/60 Flowering

One thing I noticed is the big one ended up using a branch as a kick stand lol. I looked at with the microscope and it's surprising how much it varies nug to nug. There's some that I'd say you would have to sAy done, and some that could probably go a while longer. I intended on chopping the whole thing so I have to decide what I want to do.



Well-Known Member
Yea I had the idea I'd be able to chop the whole thing. But with seeing so much variance in area to area either I can really only cut sections at a time, wait till some goes over ripe and chop whole thing, or chop whole thing while some is a tad early.


Well-Known Member
So prob gonna put them in fresh water tonight if I'm possibly looking at the last week. After smoking some of my previous cuts that had no flushing I really wonder if flushing really makes a difference. Ash is still white and no unpleasant taste. What's flushing really gonna do?


Well-Known Member
So prob gonna put them in fresh water tonight if I'm possibly looking at the last week. After smoking some of my previous cuts that had no flushing I really wonder if flushing really makes a difference. Ash is still white and no unpleasant taste. What's flushing really gonna do?
there has been many threads come & go about flushing with a lot of heated discussions much like some of the led light "discussions " I quit flushing a few years ago I say flush one of your plants & not the other & judge for yourself & maybe have a few friends try some as well


Well-Known Member
I'm sure there's some truth to it, and probably depends on if you tapered down on nutrient at all or if the are chuck full of it. I guess I'm more so thinking it may at the least be a bit over hyped.


Well-Known Member
I can try that in the future. So much has been different between these two plants it wouldn't be a fair test this round. I'd have to say making the cuts on the small one slowed the ripening proccess or some other variable in play. The smaller one seemed noticeable behind the large one as far as trich ripening.


Well-Known Member
Enigma likes to tease me with likes, I think he's about to lay some knowledge down on me. Nope holding out on me again!


Well-Known Member
Lol....I was just running through some of
My fumbles through veg in my head. Most idiotic was shaving off the skin of the main stalk because I thought it was mold..... any spot where the stalk gets really thick and hearty it almost grows like a bark lol. It's never spread or anything so I deemed it not to be mold, but I took peroxide and like a wire brush to shave a good portion of it off before I decided there was no way it was mold lol.....


Well-Known Member
It could be genetics that has it growing slow.

My cousin in law is a farmer, multimillion dollars of equipment and thousands of acres. After speaking with him, I will only feed when necessary and I will always flush.

I don't like throwing money away.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't call this flower slow really would you? They were small going into flower for the amount of time I vegged due to stupid mistakes . But they were also very wide although not tall, which is why many many cola lol


Well-Known Member
I gotcha. I read a myth about keeping humidity low during flower so they run through more water and nutrient and ultimately grow bigger buds. I have no baseline to know if it's working or not though. Makes sense to some degree but I'm not convinced making the plant suck up more water through the bucket instead of the air also forces it to utilize the nutrient.
subscribed, better late than never lol
