

Well-Known Member
Hey I can get the pure version of this drug or I can get it with a contaminant that might hurt me which should I get. I know I feel like risking my health and life unnessacarily tonight, I'll get the contaminated one because I'm a fucking genius.

WHO THINKS THAT WAY!?!?!?!?!?!? The pure stuff is right next to it.
I think you're over exaggerating the effects of the antihistamines. Calm down, dude, it's not going to "hurt you." It's not fucking acetaminophen or something.


Well-Known Member
Chlorpheniramine, the antihistamine commonly mixed with dxm can cause seizures in high doses. It is reccomended that you not exceed 24mg in 24 hours. That's 6 doses. You're talking about taking 36 or more. It's not like you're paying more for the dxm only syrup/pills or like a pharmacy isn't going to have 2 name brand and their generic of the it as well.
If you're going to do drugs try and be safe about it.
Every casualty of the drug war is a preventable tragedy. The way to prevent them is information. Sometimes that information is t available because of prohibition. Such as just what is in that stamp of heroin. With a drug sold over the counter that's not the case there is no excuse. Why would you take something that can potentially cause seizures with something that lowers your seizure threshold? More importantly why would you argue that it is ok and not a big deal?


Active Member
dxm is amazing, ive only tried a small amount of delsym (ive tripped on robo alot) but delsum has Dextromethorphan polistirex which is like synthetic dxm, its poretty much the same thing but it dosent taste like boiled sewage, its arguably the best dxm high, (i prefer it to robitussin) im like a dxm pro lol,
love it have nothing bad to say about it and i probly never will, but yeah if your going to do dxm
delsym is the way to go,

also the only pill containing dxm i would recomend are robitussin gels, tripple c's will leave you puking everywhere, mucinex dm will leave you sleeping all day not wanting to move (with music its not that bad but i wouldnt recomend cause youll have to take like 20 big pills) <- i cant take pills without gagging anymore bacause ive taken so much of this, i can hardly take advil anymore,

dxm is one of the best highs ive ever had,

if you want to know dosages just ask

ive been to the 4th platue (amazing place lol, i love the elephants)


Well-Known Member
DXM polistirex is a time release form of DXM that is bonded to a polystyrene polymer that slowly breaks away, releasing the DXM to be active in the body. All DXM is synthetic. DXM, DXO, and their L enantiomers were discovered in the late 40s/early 50s in a US government (I'm sure others discovered it independently around the same time) program that was seeking one of the holy trails of medicinal chemistry, a nonaddictive alternative to morphine.
The brand name of the pills/syrup doesn't matter, only that the only active ingredient is DXM and if you're going for the higher plateaus watch out for sorbitol as an inactive ingredient. It's an artificial sweetener that in large quantities (like those involved in going deep in dxm) can really fuck your stomach/GI tract up.


New Member
DXM polistirex takes a lot longer to peak and doesn't peak as hard, unless you take a lot.

Some people are way different then others when it comes to DXM tolerance.
I knew someone who had to drink 4-5 bottles (888mg DXM polistirex) to get where I was off of one bottle.

I didn't do DXM much though and he did it all the time.

Junior Grow

Delsym and robotussin cough gels I believe are the most popular ones you will find with Dxm as the only active.

lmao, not a smart thing to say on this forum.
is our herb legal? so does it matter? who's going to get butthurt on this forum? were all here for the same reason and we all know that xD