Dying plant before harvest

Hello. I am growing autoflowers in a 3x3. 3/4 I used biobizz light mix and paid extra attention to while one freebie I threw into Walmart dirt and let it ride With the same biobizz nutrients. The others are perfectly healthy, but as I approach week 7 the Walmart soil one is losing color very quickly. Will she make it till harvest? If she loses all leaf color should I harvest?



Well-Known Member
You can always top dress the soil and water like regular if the soil concerns you.

You can always throw a bit of veg nutes in with your flower nutes to give it a boost. Just don't do it too often.

Some (most) folks will say leaves die during flower and I have to admit that it is true for alot of people... but it doesn't have to be that way or to a full die off extreme.

Most flower nutes are almost devoid of nitrogen, which the plant needs in much lower quantities but it still does need some.

If you have an 8-10 week strain, you should be fine. If you have a 14 week strain, you might be in for a rough time.
You can always top dress the soil and water like regular if the soil concerns you.

You can always throw a bit of veg nutes in with your flower nutes to give it a boost. Just don't do it too often.

Some (most) folks will say leaves die during flower and I have to admit that it is true for alot of people... but it doesn't have to be that way or to a full die off extreme.

Most flower nutes are almost devoid of nitrogen, which the plant needs in much lower quantities but it still does need some.

If you have an 8-10 week strain, you should be fine. If you have a 14 week strain, you might be in for a rough time.
Online it says it is a 7 week quick finishing strain it is called + Speed. I have been giving some biogrow along with the biobloom. Thank you for the input. Im at 7 weeks now but obviously I think it needs a little more time, just hoping it survives,.


Well-Known Member
Online it says it is a 7 week quick finishing strain it is called + Speed. I have been giving some biogrow along with the biobloom. Thank you for the input. Im at 7 weeks now but obviously I think it needs a little more time, just hoping it survives,.
The real harvest indicator is the colour of the trichs.

If you're supposed to be ready for harvest now(soon), check for mostly cloudy/some amber coloured trichs (70-80% cloudy, 30-20% Amber). If you see that then it's time to chop asap. Letting a plant go past that degrades the quality of the high. This is usually individual preference because each of us has a perfect high that we look for.

Harvest early and you get a head stone, harvest late and you get a body stone. Harvest at the right time and you get amazing weed.
The real harvest indicator is the colour of the trichs.

If you're supposed to be ready for harvest now(soon), check for mostly cloudy/some amber coloured trichs (70-80% cloudy, 30-20% Amber). If you see that then it's time to chop asap. Letting a plant go past that degrades the quality of the high. This is usually individual preference because each of us has a perfect high that we look for.

Harvest early and you get a head stone, harvest late and you get a body stone. Harvest at the right time and you get amazing weed.
Thank you. Have a jewelers loupe I am about to bust out.


Looking at the trichs is the best way, You'd be surprised how quickly you can go from good weed to couch weed, unless that's what you're going for (I know a few that like the couchlock)

- Dog