Early frost this year? Sure hope not!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, its getting to that time of the year where we are starting to see our hard work and dedication pay off! Nice colas just weeks away from maturity. But its also coming close to that time where some whore named mother earth leaves us frost in the morning to wake up to. I have herd stories of frost wiping out peoples garden, and on the other hand, I have a friend who had buds frozen solid and they were fine. Regardless its comming, and I have herd it is comming early. Frost and a cooler weather average equal disaster for growers with strains that finish late, especially if moisture is involved. Hell sometimes it snows before October hits. I am a bit worried because mine will finish mid to late oct, and if the cooler weather does come earlier then normal this year, I will have to chop early. Has any of you had bad run ins with frost before?


Well-Known Member
never had any problems with frost. Not sure where you are at but im supposed to have straight sun through october :hump:


Well-Known Member
Frost is fine, death it's bad. As long as you get back into the high 50s the ne, the day should be totally fine down to about 28*F