Early Grow Setup


Active Member
Went out for a hike and found me a great spot, been looking at the location for a cupple weeks, seeing its activity. all looked good. its so sweet my spot has a creak runing though it and theres a 15 ft clif. and im on top of it. so yesterday i went and hiked in some supplies. dug a hole about 2ft wide 3ft deep or so, and brought in some good dirt. about a yard of dirt. anyone know what or how much i will yeild. i got a female kali mist at 14 inches now. i think its going to get huge, bigger than me.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't start quite yet - I think the hours are still a bit too short to start. Meaning that if you plant now your baby may go straight into flowering which would kinda ruin everything. I could be wrong though...we may be in the clear now. Depends on your location, of course. If you've already planted...then yea...probably fine. I don't really know at this point.

Sounds like you got everything under control nicely. That being said, no one's gonna be able to estimate your yield...way too many factors. But, as I said, you've got everything set up well....so you could expect anywhere from 4 oz to 2 lbs. My advice: expect 4 oz and be happy when it's more than that. And that's of course assuming that pests/animals don't get to it and that you treat her well... Good luck man


Active Member
i saw a fox the other day, runin away from the area. musta spooked him. was going to drop a fish in the hole and use that as some nuts, but they might dig up the fish. know of any things to use to make animals not want to get near, like sents or something?


Well-Known Member
your piss should somewhat deter animals... they don't like the smell of humans so your piss should keep them away. but i don't know, never been able to find an outside spot i like.


Well-Known Member
Your piss, your dog's piss or shit, any human hair...you can buy coyote urine and stuff like that, but I'd try your own hair and urine first. Irish spring soap or whatever it's called supposedly works too...just put a bar of it nearby.