Early Harvest with PICS


Active Member
IMG_0687.jpgIMG_0695.jpgSo, This is a coIMG_0680.jpgntinuation of my "Early Harvest Consequesnces" thread.

I have to harvest early. Im not being impatient. This is a security/logistics issue. IMG_0692.jpgAs you can see the buds arent ready but I would love some opinions on how much longer these would have needed and what the smoke will be like.



New Member
Thouse look to be a few weeks 3 or 4 weeks into flowering you could of gone up to 12 weeks if not longer depending on your strain. Im on 6 week of flower and mine are double even thripple that size.


Well-Known Member
it could very well not even be 1/3 done. its going to smoke hrribly and taste like a cigarette. i would have revegged and just killed them, you shouldnt be calling that a harvest or putting pics on the net. enjoy!


Active Member
Sooo.... Is it possible to dig up the whole plant and move it to another spot?? Or would the root ball and stress be too much???


Well-Known Member
it looks like you chopped already? if not i would certainly try to transplant it but also you can clone it and the clones will reveg and that way instead of smoking those little hairs and shit you can turn each one into another plant.


Well-Known Member
note: it will take a good 30 days from cutting to get those to go through a re-veg state and start growing again.


Active Member
yea damn...those pistils werent even turning brown at the tips...id doubt that would even get you high...those who are patient are rewarded


You can smoke immature buds, don´t expect too much and you won´t be dissapointed. BHO is an alternative, kiefing might work or bubble hash: