Early Maroc & Dane 99


Hello, everybody,

This is my first grow and I will need your help. I did my reading and still do so I can assure you there won't be too many dumb questions.

Just a few.

So I got 1 seed of Early Maroc and 1 seed of Dane 99 from mr-green shop which is now closed. I don't know why and I don't know for how long, friend of mine gave them to me. Both seeds are for outdoor and feminised , they've got those genetics of fast flowering which are important in where I live (n.hemisphere, near Baltic sea).

Now I got them today at put them in two separate cups with water at 12.00 o'clock. Came back home at 17.00 and they were still floating at the surface, which is okay I know. At 18.00 I gently pushed them a little bit and they stayed at the bottom. And that confuses me. They stayed in the water just for 6 hours to this point. Did I do something wrong with that push ?

A) Right fucking now I'm thinking of pulling them out and do this paper-towel thing. Oh and in the next photo there is conditions of my room (21.4 C (70.5 F) and 41% humidity ) I think it's quite good right ? So should I go and put them between wet towel and on the plate?
B) Let's hope that seeds are not damaged, the germination process goes well and now I have to plant them into the soil. So, I just came back from the shop with 10 kilos (22 lbs) of biohumus and 5.5 litres (1.5 gallons) of perlite. I went on my bicycle and had a very pleasant ride with 10 kilos on one handlebar and 5 kilos on the other with big wind blowing into my face. I came back safe. I know local growers use this biohumus and have good results. Oh and they mix it with perlite. So that's what I' m gonna do too.


I have these party cups or how do you call them ? I saw on grow journals people use them so I figured out I will use them too. How should I prepare that mix of biohumus and perlite ? In what proportions ? Is there anything I don't know about how to fill these cups with this mix ?
Should I make holes in those cups so the water could run down ? Or it's just that I will have to water the soil very delicate so it would be just wet but not too wet.
Do I need lids ?
And what about the color of those cups ? White color reflects the light and roots don't need light. So okay the soil will stop the light to the roots. But what about the thickness of these cups ? Will sunlight be able to go through those thin cups and touch those roots ?

So many questions in my little head.

Guys I will do what's in my power but if you have something to say, please do.
One more thing - I will not use artificial light, I will keep them by a sunny window until they are ready to grow outside


Thanks for your answers guys. Now let's go further into this madness.

Round 2.

So yesterday at 21.00 I started paper-towel method.
I've put those 2 seeds between wet towels on the plate and closed it with another plate. Checked today at 17.00 and still nothing. Okay, I'll have to wait a little more I guess.

Today in the morning I figured out I would mix the perlite and biohumus I bought on Wednesday. I did it and it looked good, just like on grow journals I have seen.

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I than watered those two cups and I didn't like what I saw. The consistence of the soil just didn't look right. It looked too wet and there was too much perlite on the surface of this soil. And as you can see the water didn't reach the bottom
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I think there's too much perlite. I'm thinking of taking that soil out of cups mix it with biohumus and than fill these cups again with that new soil. Basically I just want to add more biohumus to the mix.
Am I right about this ?
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Interesting, before I watered it, the soil looked good but after watering it looks as if the biohumus was flushed down and only the perlite was left .
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Well-Known Member
You're suppose to dampen the soil, not create a mini tsunami in the cup...

As for germination, I don't see the point in soaking seeds in water. Stick to wet paper towel method. All should germ within 1-5 days.


Hi Merlot,

Thanks for showing up. Yes, I guess I should have taken it a little bit easier :) However I wouldn't put cracked seeds into these cups with that soil, I saw it was too wet and just didn't look right.

I'm gonna add more biohumus to the mix and I won't water it that much next time.


So it's Friday and it's been 2 days as I try to crack those two seeds. Checked towels, they are still wet. Let's hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
Unless they're duds they'll pop. Make sure there is run off holes in those cups.


Yes I knew that, but I wasn't sure with those cups cause there is not that much soil in them and I figured it should dry pretty quickly. But if people say you have to put holes in them than I will.
Now here is another thing ? What size those holes should be and how many ?
Okay okay, I googled it. I will make 5 holes with a help of nail. Pretty easy stuff even for me.


Well-Known Member
They will probably sprout just fine in that mix but you definitely want to get some coco or peat moss added to your mix when you transplant to a bigger container to add some more fluffiness. And you usually don't want to use clear cups like that cause it lets too much light and heat into the soil and roots.


Hello, Ca MTN MAN,

Are those white cups called clear ? I seriously asking this question. Because there are transparent cups, then there are white cups and than other cups of different colors. So these whites are not good ? But white color reflects the light so it shouldn't get to the roots or am I missing something ? And yes, those brown or red ones are thicker but does this makes them better ?


Well-Known Member
Hello, Ca MTN MAN,

Are those white cups called clear ? I seriously asking this question. Because there are transparent cups, then there are white cups and than other cups of different colors. So these whites are not good ? But white color reflects the light so it shouldn't get to the roots or am I missing something ? And yes, those brown or red ones are thicker but does this makes them better ?
If it's not too hot where you are you should be okay, but in the picture above I can see the wet soil through the cup so if it does get pretty hot it will probably heat the roots and stress the plant a bit.


If it's not too hot where you are you should be okay, but in the picture above I can see the wet soil through the cup so if it does get pretty hot it will probably heat the roots and stress the plant a bit.
So you suggest those thicker red or brown cups insulate roots from the heat and sun better than those white thinner cups. Yes I think you are right.
Sorry I'm just that person who fanatically questions everything. Even does 2 + 2 equal 4 ? When it obviously is 4. Or wait...

I have found a great thread about this on another forum, where guys talk about clear, white and other cups. Can I post the link to it ? If anyone is interested here it is - Clear cups for seeds ? -
One realy good thing I've read there is "The best way is to slip the clear cup inside a solid cup. That way the roots stay nice and healthy and you can check them for rootbinding and be able to transplant at the most optimal time."


Yep, it seems those ladies didn't want to open neither their hearts neither their legs and enjoy my company but hey, at least I tried and it's a win in my book :)

The good news is I'm going to London this weekend and it seems there are some physical shops where I could buy mj seeds. The city is big and I have other things to do but let's hope I will find some time to go to one of these shops.

Big thank you to Merlot and CA MTN MAN for tuning in and holding my hand in this very important moment for me, guys you were awesome.

Speak soon.


Well-Known Member

Sad to hear they didn't pop :(

Next time DON'T soak them in water, this isn't needed. Just use the wet paper towel method. If they're good seeds they'll pop in 1-5 days.


Well-Known Member
I do the water soak sometimes, especially if they are old seeds, but then proceed to paper towels within 12 hours. Looking at the pics of your wet soil filled cups, I can see they are too wet ( probably from lack of drainage). Watering is a fine technique to master and understand as it isn't as straight forward as you may think. Roots love oxygen but need water too, so you need a balance of both for your plant to survive. Good luck and happy growing/researching. Patience will help to avoid killing with kindness.