Early Stages of Hermie/Male


Active Member
Hello. So, my first plant ever just turned out to be looking like a male. Am pretty sad about that as I put alot of work and time into nuturing it and trying to stress it as little as possible. ANYWHO, to the matter at hand, this plant has pretty much just started showing signs of being a male/hermie, their are a few little stem things coming out between the nods (correct me if im wrong) with these little tiny balls on the end, but what I want to know is, how can I tell if its a hermie? Do I have to wait a little longer in growth til I can see the signs and make sure? If its a hermie, what can I do with it? I have 1 seed left so seeds would be nice if theirs a way to get some out. However, weed would obviously be better :p. If its a male, what can I do with it? Is it seriously worth just chucking? :(

Thanks in advance!

PS. I hope that sounds clear enough.


Well-Known Member
it would be perfect if you need seeds
there is a myth that id you shake out all the seeds and smoke the bud thats left it will be the best EVER


Well-Known Member
pics of the preflower would help. did you force flower or did it naturally preflower, if you forced it how long has it been. male flowers will not be on "little stem things" they will be attached to the plant firmly, little green spheres. if its your only plant do no kill it yet. and if its a male theres very little to do unless you need it for breeding. if its a hermi its a natural hermi which really sucks. i had a fem go hermi. did what i could with it since it was my only one and it turned out pretty good. and hopefully i have some "selfed" seeds. in any event, keep it around a bit longer and watch for sure signs. they will be CLEAR either small double hairs, or small balls.


Active Member
Tsdriles06, is that true? Thats pretty awesome if it is. Also I force flowered it. Am low on room here so I need to work to a tight space. :( They have been in flowering for about a week to two. However, I tried to take a picture with my camera and it doesnt do close up pics well and ran out of battery. So ill have to find the charger and all. Oh, I had a closer look also to see what the seeds look like in good light and they arnt attachted to anything other the the main stem itself.


Well-Known Member
i had a hermie once it didn't even pollinate my other plants! at first i though it was a female cuz it had all these white hairs and then as it gradulally got older it developed tons of seeds on it and apparently all the seeds that come off a hermie are female nyway it was alright shit i just picked the seeds out of it and smoked it down!


Well-Known Member
sounds like a male to me. since its your only one. i would wait a day or 2 to be sure unless you are. im pretty sure without seeing it from what you said but you can actually see it so, if you wanna wait a day or 2 to be sure it wouldnt hurt. if it is a male you may as well kill it its about useless. the male plant itself will make no seed, and you would pretty much be wasting your time growing a natural hermi. get a few more seeds and sprout at least 3 for a almost sure shot at a fem. if you get 3/3 males thats tough. i got 1/3. but i got one!


Active Member
Omg.... Guys What the hell is this?!?
Am I okay?
It's only on one of the top flowers??
Is this a hermie?!? Please tell me!

