

I'm starting my outdoor summer grow soon and was wondering if putting earthworms in my pots would help the soil?
If they do then how many per 3 gal. Pot?
By the way, i'll be using either foxfarm ocean soil or scotts


bud bootlegger
the problems with adding worms to your soil is that the same conditions needed for worms to grow and thrive and the conditions for mj to grow and thrive are not the same conditions.. so one must decide is it more important to have the conditions that benefit worms, or conditions that benefit mj.. if you want all the benefits from worms without the problems asscociated with trying to keep them alive in growin marijauna pots, just add some castings to your soil mix..


My soil will already have worm castings, do worm castings do the same as live worms?

Also, I do feel like the worms will die being in a pot of soil for months with water that has nutes in it. Is this right?

And to racerboy, I would most definitely rather accomidate my weeds conditions over worms


Well-Known Member
worm castings are worm poop. make a worm farm using rubber made tubs with red wiggler worms (ebay$20.00/1000)and feed them things like egg shells veggie scraps news paper cardboard a little dirt and they will make you worm poop or castings whatever you want to call them. real cheap real easy and you get the best soil that you didnt have to buy . 2000 red wigglers can turn into 250,000 - 1,000,000 worms in a years time. then you will need some more tubs and be able to make enough castings and worms to be able to sell them for profit. castingss sell for about $1.00 a pound and the worms go for about $20.00 per 1000. i think it is a awsome idea and kids think its cool , well mine do any way.


Active Member
well its good to have a worm farm lolz free casting my uncle has one for his grow lolz he has the perfect area middle nowhere he lives by a creek with natural nutes and minerals sso he b set


New Member
You need to start next years soil this year. Put worms in a good pile of soil and add some organic material like grass and leaves. Then next year, you can be ahead of the game. Your worms will appreciate the nute free environment and return dividends.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
worm castings are worm poop. make a worm farm using rubber made tubs with red wiggler worms (ebay$20.00/1000)and feed them things like egg shells veggie scraps news paper cardboard a little dirt and they will make you worm poop or castings whatever you want to call them. real cheap real easy and you get the best soil that you didnt have to buy . 2000 red wigglers can turn into 250,000 - 1,000,000 worms in a years time. then you will need some more tubs and be able to make enough castings and worms to be able to sell them for profit. castingss sell for about $1.00 a pound and the worms go for about $20.00 per 1000. i think it is a awsome idea and kids think its cool , well mine do any way.
dude, you need to do a whole step by step full of pics
i would love to learn how this is done
i mean i have so many question
pm me with the thread link if you decide to do one or if you know of one

what size tote to start with
do i have to remove the worm before useing the soil
how do i know when it is ready to be harvested
what do i put in the tote
do i have to do any thing to it after the totes are filled
do i have to water it
is this something that can be kept in the grow room


Well-Known Member
I actually think there should be a detailed post about how to make a worm bed in the Forum, I have been contemplating making one for years to save on costs feeding my fish, and also the castings to make some tea for the ladies would be an added benefit and save more money on nutes

Although lemonjello's post was pretty detailed enough for me lolk


Well-Known Member
If you are using soil mixes with nutes already in them, you run the risk of poisoning your worms, which will die, and rot, and invite pathogens into your growing medium.

I have read posts about FF burning seedlings. Figure, if it will burn a seedling, i will more than likely do the same to a worm.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
if anyone is real about starting a thread onthis please post a link here and and pm me a link
+rep and thanks in advanced

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
can i just use my old used soil and plant matter and compost all of that
maybe through in a new bag of soil on top of all that
you said dont use soil with high nutes in it , can i leach the soil some how
like set it in the back yard a flood it with water then let it dry then flood it again
to take out the nutes


Active Member
Yes, they will help. Earthworms loosen up the soil, making it easier for water to drain and get to the roots. I don't know how many. I'd guess 20, since some are going to die.