East Coast Hurricane Season


Well-Known Member
What's to handle, if a hurricane hits your area, the plants will be at the mercy of mother nature. Unfortunately that doesn't only apply to outdoor grows. Power failures and destruction are just part of living in paradise from June thru Octorber.
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Well-Known Member
whats to handle, that reply doesn't make any sense. has anyone had plants in the ground during hurricane season on the east coast and if so, what did you do to protect your plants?


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I see my most stoned answer was kind of pointless. Let me try again.
Most hurricane winds decrease further inland, so maybe plant away from the coast. Other outdoor concerns include hurricane spawned tornado's and flooding. I can't see anything you could do against a tornado, but you could plant on high ground to beat flooding. Access could be come a concern as well depending on damage. That's about all I can think of in my current state.:peace:

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
whats to handle, that reply doesn't make any sense. has anyone had plants in the ground during hurricane season on the east coast and if so, what did you do to protect your plants?
If a hurricane hits your plants, what can you do? People have a hard enough time just keeping their homes from being destroyed; how can they hope to protect a marijuana plant?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
If a hurricane hits your plants, what can you do? People have a hard enough time just keeping their homes from being destroyed; how can they hope to protect a marijuana plant?

Exactly! After a hurricane there is no power, fuel is scarce and debris and damage can be massive..... Indoor or Outdoor... I'd say plants don't stand a chance if the area takes a direct hit.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
if youre worried plant em in 5 gallon buckets and bring em inside when the hurricanes come

Won't help if your area takes a direct hit. Power can be out for a week or more EASY.... if you have a generator... then you wire it into the house main... but even then you can only run limited appliances / lights etc.... most people run their fridge.... a few lights and a few fans.....

Trust me... plants are soooo NOT a priority if you take a direct hit by a hurricane.


Active Member
yeah power will be out but the fact that you can move the plants inside a structure such as your home will stop worries of flooding and obviously the high speed winds and as for power FUCK POWER i grow with the sun which last time i checked the sun always shines after hurricanes atleast in the 20 years Ive been in Florida:joint::peace:


Active Member
yes i realize plants arent a priority after hurricanes making sure your friends and family are all right is the priority and youd be surprised what a little generator can do last year we used mine in between my neighbors house so he could share and we ran 3 refridgerators 4 box fans and 4 lamps between the 2 houses
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Well-Known Member
maybe i need to clear things up a bit. i live inland and i'm smart enough to know that if a hurricane hits that your plants are pretty much done for. obviously, a few people that have posted don't live on the east coast. when i made this thread i was referring to late July and through August when a lot of hurricanes form in the Caribbean and don't necessarily hit land but, their effects are definitely felt, i.e. very heavy rain and winds. also, around this time the humidity is very high. i know that there are outside growers on the east coast who have had experiences with these occurrences, i would just like to know how YOU have handled these type of events through that part of the summer. i'm in the middle east, could someone from Florida please, chime in?


Well-Known Member
maybe i need to clear things up a bit. i live inland and i'm smart enough to know that if a hurricane hits that your plants are pretty much done for. obviously, a few people that have posted don't live on the east coast. when i made this thread i was referring to late July and through August when a lot of hurricanes form in the Caribbean and don't necessarily hit land but, their effects are definitely felt, i.e. very heavy rain and winds. also, around this time the humidity is very high. i know that there are outside growers on the east coast who have had experiences with these occurrences, i would just like to know how YOU have handled these type of events through that part of the summer. i'm in the middle east, could someone from Florida please, chime in?
I have seen 70mph winds and had tie them to stakes to keep them from getting blown all over. this was in like September too when there were heavy buds. if you think there not gonna survive maybe give indoor a try:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
new member, some time cultavist, 10 year plus floridian, not proud, just saying.
the answer is simple,
if your plants are in a 5 gal, move them inside for some hours when the storm is hitting too hard, and move them back out when it's over, piece of cake.

For the people that have farms too far from home, build a strong tent :idea:, or (if you're up for it) dig'm up and put'm in 5 gallon containers, and be careful to not cut too far into the root system.

Im lucky enough to grow a stones throw away, and on a second note.

I'f you're a true floridian, or even a somewhat experienced grower in this state, you're already prepared. :peace:


Active Member
new member, some time cultavist, 10 year plus floridian, not proud, just saying.
the answer is simple,
if your plants are in a 5 gal, move them inside for some hours when the storm is hitting too hard, and move them back out when it's over, piece of cake.

For the people that have farms too far from home, build a strong tent :idea:, or (if you're up for it) dig'm up and put'm in 5 gallon containers, and be careful to not cut too far into the root system.

Im lucky enough to grow a stones throw away, and on a second note.

I'f you're a true floridian, or even a somewhat experienced grower in this state, you're already prepared. :peace:

Exactly what he said!!


Well-Known Member
okay, now we're talking. the info given is duly noted. my plan for the summer is to grow some indoor, some outdoor in pots, and some outdoor guerrilla style but, not really guerrilla because, it's my own woods. the digging up part i think i will do. thanks for the info fellas. no not a Floridian but, i made a pretty good guess that you guys could relate.:peace:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
I'f you're a true floridian, or even a somewhat experienced grower in this state, you're already prepared. :peace:
OK, I apologize for not interpreting the original post correctly. Also, I'm not a true Floridian as I've only lived here a few years..... and I'm not an experienced grower either.

I've been through 2 major DIRECT HIT hurricanes so far... and I was relating to that in my posts.

Again... apologies for misinterpretation and good luck to all in the upcoming 6 months.... may mother nature be kind to us all :D



Well-Known Member
ahh, no problimo floridagirl, it's all good thanks for the well wishing. my dad lives in Ft. Lauderdale now so, i should get a pretty good jump on things and i wish you well on your grows also. thanks for chiming in.