Easy money day set for the 12th :)


Well-Known Member
? What ?????? i got 500 dollars to play with ... what you saying... i need some cleartext... :P

can i make 20 grand out of it :P :D ?


Well-Known Member
yeah how can I benefit from this if I don't know how to purchase or trade stocks? hook me up with some information please

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
If they don't suspend mark to market you won't lose but maybe 1-2 % or nothing at all, but if they suspend it you could gain 100-200% + in a day :)

If you got 500 buy some 2.50 FAS March call options---you get whatever the difference is between the strike price and the actual price.

here's the options---they have spoken :) http://finance.yahoo.com/q/op?s=FAS

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
yeah how can I benefit from this if I don't know how to purchase or trade stocks? hook me up with some information please
go to etrade or ameritrade---set up an account---easy :) Your first trade will probably be free :)

After this trade immediately take your money and run---buy something stupid :)


Well-Known Member
anyway you could explain this a little more haha
Not to be an asshole man.
But if you need some random dude on a Marijuana growing forum to explain how the stock market and how you could make money off this to you than you are probably in no position to buy stock....and become a trader to actually make profit......

Again dude im really not tryin to be a dick about it

Big P

Well-Known Member
saaaaay nice work son of man, thanks for the tip:bigjoint:

im counting the chedder:bigjoint:

so is this a hobby of yours or you career.

do you consistanly make money doing this

I used to dabble in the penny stock, was total amatuer but I talked to a wiz.

made 6K in one day on my first trade.

anyway long story short after many other trades and making $$$ i ended up down 6K in the end and I stopped trading.

so how about you. how much money u made or lost so far in your life you think?

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Trading is my main job and I've done pretty well. You can't win with penny stocks because with as little as 100k somebody can make the stock do whatever they want---it's like playing cards against people who know what your holding :)

Big P

Well-Known Member
nice work son

if I had some cash flow right now I might dabble again, but im too busy paying things off:bigjoint:

Big P

Well-Known Member
im bettin by augast all will be pretty swell

summer has a way of making everything better