eb and grow which chiller


Active Member
i got a ebb and grow set up its a 6 site and im addin 26 more pots its a 55 gallon drum what size chiller would i need for the 55g drum????


New Member
You really should keep your reservoir at 62-65 with those systems. Helps to avoid algae, pH creep and slime build up. Buying a chiller just for that would be kind of a waste of money though. Just freeze some water bottles and stick one in every few days or whenever you need it. If you bought a chiller you can not run your nutrient solution through the chiller. You would need a 1/10hp chiller, 20 gallon reservoir, pump, and a cool coil to run the chilled water through while it sat in your nutrient reservoir. The chiller only chills its reservoir. You then use that water to chill equipment like the coil.

Sorry budley but your statement is off. Chillers are used for a TON of systems from ANY hydro setup to efficient cooling systems.


Well-Known Member
I would say on an aeroponic and DWC they are mandatory, Ebb and Flo, not so much if at all. No doubt nice, but rarely required.
Nutrient solution can be pumped through an aquarium chiller with a titanium heat exchanger, which most small chiilers are designed for.


New Member
Really? I do a lot of water chilling and the guys from Eco Plus and Chillking all say you never pump nutrient solution through a chiller because the salt will corrode the internal coil rapidly and can build up causing your chiller to clog and burn out it's compressor. You are supposed to run only water with propylene glycol mixed in to help fight corrosion because even tap water has too many salts for those systems.


New Member
In an Ebb and Grow system like the OP has; reservoir temps are just as important as in any other hydro setup. Read those threads I posted. You will see. I use flood tables and chilling my reservoir has eliminated 2 chemicals from my shopping list and gotten rid of a ton of constant issues I used to have.


Well-Known Member
Not with a titanium coil, which is why they make them titanium.

Great your in the small percentage that use a chiller on an Ebb and flow.


Well-Known Member
In an Ebb and Grow system like the OP has; reservoir temps are just as important as in any other hydro setup. Read those threads I posted. You will see. I use flood tables and chilling my reservoir has eliminated 2 chemicals from my shopping list and gotten rid of a ton of constant issues I used to have.
I used to run flood tables, never had a chiller. When your roots arn't standing in water all the time, cold res. temps are not near an issue.


New Member
I used to run flood tables, never had a chiller. When your roots arn't standing in water all the time, cold res. temps are not near an issue.
I have to disagree with you on this one. It's actually worse if your roots aren't standing in water all the time. It helps if you can have your reservoirs under the tables but mine are not. Eitherway, when you create and environment like a grow room has you are asking for algae to form if you cannot cool your reservoir temps. I was tired of adding Hygrozyme or H2o2 to my reservoir. Plus slime build up in my plumbing. Chilling my reservoir got rid of all of these problems. There might be other ways around it but the fact is that plants uptake nutrients most effectively when reservoir temps are 64-68 degrees. I'm looking for perfection. I would rather not settle for having my res at 74 degrees if I don't have to. The OP has an Ebb and Flow bucket system which is even more critical to chill your reservoir as it doesn't sit under your tables and has hose lines that hold water sitting under lights 12 hours a day. Water in those lines can reach 95 degrees if not insulated and cooled properly.