Ebb And Flow System Help!


Well-Known Member
well i just set my ebb and flow system up and it takes 10 minutes to pump water in the 4x4 table and 30 minutes to drain out i mean thats the best i can get rigth now is that to much time for the pots to be under there.
My medium is Rockwool in rockwool flock 8 in pots so only one water a day is neccasary. but yes i think an hour is the max roots can stay under water but if im wrong let me no please

thanks peace


Well-Known Member
i think it should be ok, however i would hand water them until they get bigger and the roots have gone deeper into the pot.........


Well-Known Member
Check your uptake tube. If it is too long, it could be pinching
causing the water pressure to go down. I had the same problem
and cut my tube shorter...flows like a river now.

If you have a 15 min. interval timer, set it for 3 times a day
during veg., and twice a day during flower...This has worked for me.


Well-Known Member
well at ten minutes exactly its at perfect height 3/4 way up so i jus put perfect amount of water (25 gallons) and the pump jus runs for like 4 minutes runnin air then the timer shuts it off and it takes 30 to drain i only have 1 hole i will get another would eventully my friend used the table and he did fine. well some of the roots have pentrated the bottom and are startin to go back up and do its thang ya i probley plan to veg for 2 or 3 weeeks i want nice and big so i can get clones off the bitch. is it harder to get clones off indica strains like mine bc the huge bushy leaves not thin ones??

well thanks peace

also heres some pic of my 8 master kush and 5 smaller aurora B



Active Member
if your pump runs dry, it can burn out quicker or right away. try and get a larger res. What size pump are you running? what size hoses are you using as well? I have 1/2 ID and 1" ID for my set up.