Ebb and grow


Well-Known Member
How often do you fill your buckets and for how long do you leave your nutrient water in the bucket before draining thinking of getting a ebb and flow system thanks


Well-Known Member
You should change out your water/nutes about once a week. I flush my system every sunday.


Well-Known Member
okay so how often do you actually feed your plants though like 5 times a day for 15 minutes? or 3 times a day for 30 minutes im just trying to figure out what to set the timers too if i get one of these ebb and grows thanks scubatc


Active Member
you should do a dwc its easier. or rdwc for multiple plants. the water pumps and timers are unnecessary you can just let the roots grow in the water.


New Member
If your going to do an Ebb & Flow system then you should change your reservoir once a week. Take all the water out and also take the water that is sitting in the bottom of your buckets. Rinse out your reservoir and start over with fresh water. As far as feeding goes; feed them 3 times while the lights are off. An hour after the lights go off, in the middle of your night cycle, and an hour before your lights come on. Feed them form 15 minutes each time.


Well-Known Member
Depends totally upon substrate used. You could use soil and flood once a week or hydroton and flood every 4 hours during lights on (which is what I do).
Never heard of flooding during lights off before. Why? The plant isn't using it. You would just be encouraging root-rot. Flood til res is full, then an extra couple of minutes.
Changing res weekly is ideal but with the price of nutes, I top-up with a half-strength mix for about ten days then let the res run down until it's almost sucking air at the end of it's flood cycle and change fortnighly. Doesn't seem to hurt and I still pull 17 oz from a 600W grow. Also, ignore any voodoo juices/bloom busters etc. Just get a good a couple of 2 part nutes, one veg, one flower. I reccomend the canna vega/flores range.
Finally, let the water sit for 24 hrs before a change. I fill the bath up the day before and use that!