Ebb n Flow/Flood n Drain System

hi guys ,
got 1 more lady to flower (soil) and then its hydro all the way from here out ,

Going to go with the Ebb n Flow flood system as easily enough to be made, i was just wondering...

My grow tent is 90cm x 90cm x 160cm high

if say i get a 90 x 90 flood try or what ever i can fit in ,.. maybe a bit less.

How many autoflowers' could i squeeze into this system. does any1 think 10 is too many or even more???

reason im doing auto's only is i had 4-5 biggies hermie on me in this last grow and now ive only ended up with 1 and i was really looking forward to not spending any more money on weed for a while . :cry:


Well-Known Member
I put 15 plants into a 24"X24" table in square pots that fill the entire table except where the drain is. I use hydroton balls, hydrocorals, or whatever you wanna call them.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
That tent doesnt sound that big.
I would pack as many as you can in there in 5.5" pots and do it SOG style.
Lots of small plants vs. few big ones.


Well-Known Member
I would do either 9 or 16 depending on what you pick to grow, sweet seeds has some great autos but bigger in size whereas green-o-matics from GHSC are no bigger than 40-50cm so more can be grown without the crowding.


Well-Known Member
I like what some of the others said.

Go with about a 5" square pot, Do the math, and fit as many as you can in there. and do a SOG grow.

If your going to fill the table up with as many pots as possible , then a SOG.
Other wise ill say do 1/2 the pots of what you would squeeze into a SOG and then veg longer and grow some tree's.
another option is sticking with SOG but timing the plants diffrent. Say it holds 16 plants. Put 8 in and then 4 weeks later put 8 more in, so when 1 is done the other is 1/2 way done...This is if its a typical 8 week flowering pheno...Get that on schedule and you harvest once a month. Adjust as necessary.
another option is sticking with SOG but timing the plants diffrent. Say it holds 16 plants. Put 8 in and then 4 weeks later put 8 more in, so when 1 is done the other is 1/2 way done...This is if its a typical 8 week flowering pheno...Get that on schedule and you harvest once a month. Adjust as necessary.

Ive been planning exactly what you said ... sticking with 4-5 SOG, then 1 month in plant another 4-5 depending on space,
Thx for reply bbyy

One problem tho, as its gunna be a ebb and flo. with 1 resivour, surely the strengh of the nutes will differ depending on how old they are.

The ones that are say a month old will be on full strength nutes.... when i come to plant the new 1's will they not get highly burnt by the strength of the nutes...