Ecstasy: Must-Experience Before You Die

Dude theres better than ecstasy, My opinion on x before ii found out better knowledge was it wasthe best thing on the earth giving you pure love,joy,happiness and a mental buzz aswell.
But the holy spirit kicks your ass ten times harder than that minus the gurning ( which was one of my favorite activitys ) honestly try it if you love x you will love gods version ten times better
Gods version.. you mean church?

Their are monks out their we've studied the art of mastering the ecstasy spirit.... and well its find in a capsule... but dont over induldge or soon the magic will be gone!
You probably didn't take them that often. If you take them a lot you build a tolerence. I have, And I've seen other people take more then 10 in a day. At first it wasn't like that, but when you take 3 and feel almost nothing tolerence is deffinetly at play.

They probably didn't take 10 their first time.

Lol so true, when one of those pills would make you, sweat vomit, and generaly blow your top while it comes on, and then... like fucking wow....

But regardless of quality, the body just builds up a resistance too fast for this crap.... I might have it once or so every two years...mainly cause the missus enjoys it.

You realy should maybe try some mescaline, its a much better love feeling, not the fake I love everyone shit you get on E, but more of yeah, I love you despite seeing your errors.

But where in the hell am I gonna find mescaline... and please dont tell me to synthesize it from peruvian torch or san pedro cactuses... too much trouble and money!

ahhhh ive tried both the ufcs and red rhinos... both are very smacky.... but not too good for a rave... i suggest u take 100mg of caffeine with those rolls to provide some energy.... both pills have trace amounts of ketamine in them.
Hey its realy not that hard not does it require expensive chemicals or anything... one of my friends is working on a very clean tek at the moment I think involveing vinegar...
I'll fill you guys in as i learn more.
In the mean time, you can make tea, or just eat the damn cactus, many species are available from nurseries etc, like a large part of the trichocereus group, the torches etc...
Yes I know their sources... yet how high is the content... I know their are genera index out their that show the various quantities of certain psychedelic chemicals contain in the content... but most of the time they are lacking due to poor malnutrition. I would love to hear of any new teks that will rip good consequences. The tea is another strenous process which most of the time doesnt prove fruitful.

HOmeGROWN do you live in cali.?
I would rather eat clean rolls and not feel like the world hates me the day after i consume some adulterated pills. Im trying to find some blotter to to mix with the rollie pollies at nocturnal so ill be up and ready to party. Correct me if im wrong but i was under the impression that pills are seldom cut with K because the amount of K you need to oraly ingest for psycoactive effects is too much to press into a pill. I have a testing kit and neither of them show any signs that would point to K
That is true wookie! You would need a few hundred mgs for ketamine to be orally active... im not sure why peeps press K in a pill... however, if you check on you'll see several test that show trace amounts of ketamine in ufcs and rhinos. I wish I had some blotters to throw into the mix... but sid is so try and most of it is very weak... not worth the money.

I'm probably gonna get some mickeys and yellow mcdonalds ;)
I'll back up that claim that mdma doesnt leave your head like swiss cheese or sponge bob head! lols

The war against drugs on ecstsasy is impossible to beat... therefore, U.S. scientists tried to play the scientific card to scare potential users away... just google the ABC SPECIAL "ECSTASY RISING"... its a great take on mdma and its users ;)
So... how long of a drive will it be for you..... or are you flying out for the occasion?

What kind of drug will you be gracing yourself with at Nocturnal?
San Bernadino is like 5 hours from here. I'll probably take the train down there and have someone pick me up.

Probably just roll, hippie flipping is always a possibility depending on my mood though.

What about you?
i agree the quality of acid has gone down sooo much. Im always on the look out for anything decent that hits around my area tho. I got some pretty legit ones for edc. Id say probs at least 120 mics cause i ate one on the way up and had some visuals off it before i dropped my next 4 tabs when i got there.

and word around my area is the mickeys are alright. my homie said it wasnt anything worth remembering
Odd... not worth remembering? The mickeys are way legit and pretty high up their in mdma content... depending, their might be different presses going around. Some peeps say they are better than some pokeballs... and most pokeballs have 90-100mg of mdma, with a slight hint of caffeine to boost the experience. Its funny, because over the weekend my friend obtained a jar of green ufcs... I have a few in my possesion ;)

You eat one blotter and it gave you visuals? hmmmm.... thats rare nowadays!
Hippy-flipping is a very emotional experience... I done it twice and the visuals were greatly intensified... signal lights were out of this world... the lights bouncing from the streets to the sky.

Five hr. drive to NOCTURNAL... thats a mission in itself... I live near DOWNTOWN LA... Its only a hour drive... I would suggest you taking a train... and catching a ride back... especially since you're gonna be drained from the long nite of festivities ;)