Electric bill spike. Enough to merit any worry?


Active Member

First electric bill came today... not terribly surprised, but thought I'd ask yall if a spike like this should be anything to worry about: $20 average to $90 this last month. I was vegging the entire month 24-7 with a 400hps.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
man they prolly dont give a shyt even if u had a few hundred.... people have over 2000 watts and still runnin it..... so 60 buck increase prolly aint shit...... even 250 bucks.... yo could say ur welding...... you have more people in your household and they have over 4000 dollars in music equipment and are full time musicians and always recording...ur brother/cousin or someone does work all day at ur house and leaves a high tech security on..... but jus pay it.. dont be too late.... if ur late and dont pay it then they might say something.... either way jus make up a pretty good excuse... . i'd sometimes even throw in an extra 50.. one time ours went up 150... i threw in an extra 50... dint say shit... prolly wouldnt anyway.... and then next month u wont have to pay 50... but i wouldnt sweat it....


Well-Known Member
An AC or Electric Heater use that much in a month... and the usage cycle could be explained for an automatic timer set for when people are home. I would use a 10,000BTU portable A/C maybe 8 hours a day on average and it would push up my power bill by about 400kwh. My electric heater (maybe 1000watts?) would be on about half the day and do the same thing.


Well-Known Member
FYI - Just to compare a 400watt HPS to a household appliance; Most PCs are 350-450 watts. And nowa days a lot of gaming PCS have 1000w power supplies. So really I wouldn't worry.