I'm really high right now. Really happy. Listening to one of the greatest band, Rush!
Do people with aspergers understand empathy ?If someone is looking for empathy and/or sympathy here, you made a wrong turn somewhere...
I would like to smoke and shoot with Canna.Canna is out of control. He actually scares me on the internet. I would be fearful around him. He would label me a liberal and then BAAM.
he would not let you.I would like to smoke and shoot with Canna.
Cannabineer would disagree with Buck too.
A lack of demonstrated cognitive empathy has a significant impact on aspects of communal living for persons with Asperger syndrome.[2] Individuals with AS experience difficulties in basic elements of social interaction, which may include a failure to develop friendships or to seek shared enjoyments or achievements with others (for example, showing others objects of interest), a lack of social or emotional reciprocity (social "games" give-and-take mechanic), and impaired nonverbal behaviors in areas such as eye contact, facial expression, posture, and gesture.[1]
I don't want these mentally ill people to have access to guns. How about you?
Why would anyone vote yes on this poll?
Normally the argument comes down to if the person has a mental illness everyone on both sides agrees they should definitely not be allowed to carry/own a gun and yet that exactly what the question was "if someone has a mental illness should they be allowed to own a gun?"
I can only rationally conclude that those 4 people who voted yes have some kind of mental illness themselves
that's an easy one! I carefully dissected the DSRwhatever definition of AS, and made an educated decision. like I do......Why would anyone vote yes on this poll?
Normally the argument comes down to if the person has a mental illness everyone on both sides agrees they should definitely not be allowed to carry/own a gun and yet that exactly what the question was "if someone has a mental illness should they be allowed to own a gun?"
I can only rationally conclude that those 4 people who voted yes have some kind of mental illness themselves
Amen and guilty as chargedTake 5 minutes looking through the politics section and you could argue that none of you mentally stable enough to own guns.
A question though. Americans always argue that it's not the gun that kills. That knives kill, hammers, cars. So should we ban people with autism from driving? If they're liable to shoot someone because of their lack of empathy, surely they could be just as likely to run someone over or drive into someone elses car because of that lack of empathy? In fact he did exactly that, he shot some people, and drove at some people. Why are you focused on should he have had a gun, but not should he have had a car. His mentality put him in a situation where car or gun he was going to hurt people.
What do you think might happen if you pass a law that if a person has a mental illness they can't own a gun? Do you see a shit ton of crazies going untreated for fear of losing the right to protect themselves? Do you see the label of mental illness being abused in an effort to control who gets guns?
yes.........it is a lack of empathy that kills. nothing else. we create sociopaths. that's what's killing folks.Amen and guilty as charged
A lack of empathy doesn't a killer make, but point well made.( I think Doer is rubbing off on me)
yes.........it is a lack of empathy that kills. nothing else. we create sociopaths. that's what's killing folks.
not caring about someone is not the same as being unable empathize with them. so.......you don't care about them........will you pass them on the road, if they are injured, and dying of thirst? if so......you lack human empathy and are a sociopath.While most killers lack empathy, it's not correct in assuming that lacking empathy makes you a killer. Just because you don't give a shit about someone doesn't mean you want to kill them or want them dead, in fact, it really means you just don't give a shit.