energy conspumption and heat question


Active Member
so, i have a 250w mh and a 250w hps and im worried i might attract some unwanted attention during my grow. if i leave all the lights in my house off, and dont use a lot of electricity other than in the grow room, will the electric company notice any difference?

also, can i keep my grow room heat down with a simple rotating fan? if the choppers fly over with a thermal scanner will a fan keep everything looking normal?

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Well-Known Member
This question gets asked a dozen times a day...
My computer uses more power than your lighting set up.
Over zealous paranoia is much more dangerous than every day household appliances.


Active Member
better safe then sorry man, and theres a difference between being paranoid and being careful. im just trying to minimize my risk of being caught


Active Member
500 Watts is nothing. Less then 1/3 a 15 Amp circuit. If the electrical company noticed that, they must be wasting a ton of time. Especially as people start using their air conditioners.