Enjoy your jail time Holder...

The complete disrepect shown to Holder is despicable and shows just how corrupt the Republican party has become.

this is barely even news though.

just shows how desperate and whiney the right truly is.

romney proposes tariffs, an effective tax increase on all americans? not a peep.

the obama administration protects details about a program designed to bust cartels? ARMAGEDDON.

the best part was tranceus trying to nail this down as a secret, decades in the making conspiracy to take away his guns. total LOL stuff.
i really don't think anything is going to happen to him in this election cycle.,,,BO has his back.. can we say stonewalled??
don't you be talking bad about the all-american past time of horse ballet.

why, it just goes to show how in touch they are. so in touch, in fact, that they enjoy sport. and cinema.

All-American ~snort~.

My ancestors hail from the place in Middle Yurp that's the (strong term of emphasis) CRADLE of horse dressage. cn
i really don't think anything is going to happen to him in this election cycle.,,,BO has his back.. can we say stonewalled??
Romney is kicking Obama's butt on raising cash, which is to be expected but the point is, that meme Lifegoesonbrah posted is going to be all over America, every other commercial in a month or so will be showing that shit. So yeah it will hurt him.
All-American ~snort~.

My ancestors hail from the place in Middle Yurp that's the (strong term of emphasis) CRADLE of horse dressage. cn

just because willard spent some years in a french mansion proselytizing instead of serving his country, don't try to make him out to be some sort of euro-trash yuppie.

just look at that hair.

Mark 10:25 "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."
Mark 10:25 "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."
You're in the wrong thread, please choose the proper thread before smoking the sticky icky..... If you want to talk to snakes and bushes please visit the spirituality section of the site.
I find it ironic that he talks about faith and God yet has spent his life getting rich by destroying companies and lives.

He's not the first ... or the last. "Nest of vipers" an important religious personage observed. (Probably very near your previous quoted verse.) cn

<edit> Close but not very: Mt 23:33
holder will not spend much time in jail, obama will pardon him after the election whether he is reelected or not.
I find it ironic that he talks about faith and God yet has spent his life getting rich by destroying companies and lives.
Why do you find it ironic?
[h=1]&#8220;Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.&#8221;[/h]
What about this... Perhaps this is a conspiracy setup by the left to get the general public to go along with taking all of our guns away. This is how our government works behind closed doors. This is how changes to the constitution are made, they don't just radically amend things they do it bit by bit so that the general public doesn't grumble too much. If you take away thing a little at at time people are more accepting than when large radical changes are made all at once. Just sayin